Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Nociones conceptuales de función en los estudiantes de noveno grado
In this degree work, we present the results obtained in a teaching experience on the conceptual notions of function expressed by the Ninth grade students belonging to two different educational institutions, public and the ...
Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la función lineal : un estudio desde la teoría modos de pensamiento
The research work we presented, made reference to a study related to the process to understand the linear function (FL), evidenced in students of ninth grades, at a public educational institution in Medellin, considering ...
Fortalecimiento de la competencia escritural en el nivel sintáctico, a partir de narraciones tradicionales chocoanas en estudiantes de 3° y 4° : (Institución Educativa Etnoagropecuaria de Puerto Pervel, Cantón de San Pablo - departamento del Chocó)
This paper identifies the causes of the flaws scriptural, syntactic, 3rd and 4th grade students of EI Etnoagropecuaria of Puerto Pervel of the municipality of San Pablo Chocó, and the nexert a direct intervention, orcorrect ...
Análisis de la información : un enfoque socioepistemológico de los usos de las medidas de tendencia central
The statistical contents, specifically the Measures of Central Tendency (Medium - Medium - Fashion) are proposed in the curriculum of basic education in the ninth grade. For different reasons, the students of the Agricultural ...
Fortalecimiento de la lectura inferencial a través del uso de textos multimodales en estudiantes de grado quinto (5 °) de educación básica primaria de la Institución Educativa Agroambiental Carlos Holguín Mallarino de Nóvita - Chocó
The present investigation shows the improvement of the inferential reading through multimodal texts in the fifth grade elementary school students of the Simón Bolívar, headquarters of the Carlos Holguín Mallarino ...
Lectura y escritura por medio del uso de los cibergéneros : una experiencia en las Instituciones Educativas Piamonte y León XIII
The problem addressed in this work is the use of cyber-genres to develop a taste for reading, on the one hand, and on the other, the development of reading comprehension skills in 10th grade students of the average of two ...
Características del liderazgo pedagógico del directivo docente de la I.E. de Jesús del municipio de Concordia
This research addressed pedagogical leadership, such as one that focuses on the directive role, specifically on his role in the educational process on the educative institution; the relevance it's justified for this process ...
Fortalecimiento de la comprensión lectora de los textos narrativos a través del aprendizaje significativo
His research manifests various aspects and experiences called teaching strategies that foster reading comprehension through narrative texts for meaningful learning in students of the 5th grade at Headquarters Julio Figueroa ...