Now showing items 1-10 of 15
"Describiendo estoy, comprendiendo voy" : una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de la competencia semántica desde la comprensión de lectura en secuencias textuales descriptivas multimodales
"The Semantic Competence, as a fundamental aspect in the development of communication skills, refers to the construction of meanings in the relationship between text and context. That is why such competence is configured ...
Incidencia de las representaciones múltiples en el fortalecimiento de la competencia argumentativa en estudiantes de básica secundaria
The present thesis seeks to identify the way how the multiple representations can influence in the strengthening of argumentative competence in students of high school. The methodological basing on which this thesis is ...
Fortalecimiento de la competencia comunicativa lectora del componente pragmático a través de la estrategia proyecto de aula integrador en los estudiantes del grado quinto de la Institución Educativa Santa Teresa
To improve reading communicative competence of pragmatic component applied to fifth grade students in a school called Sant Teresa, located in Medellín city. It was possible through an Integrated Classroom Project (PAI) ...
El taller de lectura, una estrategia didáctica para propiciar la práctica social de la lectura, en los estudiantes del grado quinto de la Institución Educativa Juan de Dios Cock
The present qualitative research, based on a Critical Interpretation Approach and in the phases of Participatory Action Research, was carried out at the Juan de Dios Cock Educational Institution, with the group 5 ° 1, in ...
Categorías sintácticas finitas : una propuesta pedagógica orientada a fortalecer la competencia lingüística en los estudiantes del grado segundo de la Institución Educativa Rosalía Suárez del municipio de Medellín-Antioquia
This research is based on the need for the second grade students of the Rosalía Suárez Educational Institution, in the municipality of Medellín, Antioquia, to give meaning to what they write and read, so it was decided to ...
Aportes de la implementación del modelo equilibrado de lecto-escritura al desarrollo de la competencia lectora de los estudiantes del grado tercero
This research tried to determine the impact on the implementation of the Balanced Model to the development of reading comprehension in third graders in two public schools, in order to improve the school educational ...
La comprensión lectora desde la alianza fantasía y realidad
In the framework of the scholarships of the Ministerio de Educación Nacional, the present large-scale project proposes to strengthen the reading comprehension in seven schools in Medellín and one in Belen de Bajira taking ...
La lectura como una convergencia entre el mundo de la vida y los espacios escolares en dos instituciones educativas de Medellín, ColombiaReading as a convergence between the world of life and school spaces in two educational institutions of Medellín city
The present master thesis presents a research process, which was carried out with students from third grade of primary school in two educational institutions of the city of Medellin. This research focused on the strengthening ...