Now showing items 1-10 of 27
Las estrategias de lectura: una apuesta por el mejoramiento de la lectura inferencial en textos discontinuos en los estudiantes del grado 3-2 de la Institución Educativa Miraflores L.E.V.G.
Reading is vital in the daily life of individuals, both for the social uses that this entails, and for being the vehicle through which scientific and cultural knowledge is acquired from the personal construction that the ...
Prácticas de lectura con textos expositivos para fortalecer la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes del grado quinto de las Instituciones Educativas San Pablo y Compartir
"This research details the process through which the expository text is established as a fundamental tool for the development of the different levels of reading comprehension in order to face the challenges of the sociocultural ...
Apropiación y aplicación de estrategias para mejorar la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes del grado quinto de la Institución Educativa José Horacio Betancur
The main objective of this research was to improve fifth grade students' reading comprehension from the I.E. José Horacio Betancur based on reading learning strategies applied in argumentative texts. This objective was the ...
La pregunta como dispositivo para fortalecer la comprensión lectora y la apropiación de sentido : los vínculos entre lo cognitivo y lo psicosocial
"The following research is about the relevance of the question in an educational context to improve the levels of reading comprehension and the appropriation of meaning in the life experiences of the students. This study ...
Fortalecimiento de la competencia comunicativa lectora del componente pragmático a través de la estrategia proyecto de aula integrador en los estudiantes del grado quinto de la Institución Educativa Santa Teresa
To improve reading communicative competence of pragmatic component applied to fifth grade students in a school called Sant Teresa, located in Medellín city. It was possible through an Integrated Classroom Project (PAI) ...
Los textos multimodales, una estrategia didáctica para optimizar la comprensión lectora a nivel literal, en los estudiantes del grado primero de la Normal Superior La Inmaculada
This Project was done with the optimize reading comprehesion literal level in the students first grade though aplication of homeworks with multimodal texts, in the primary school Normal Superior La Inmaculada of the Italia ...
Estrategias para mejorar la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de séptimo de la Institución Educativa Pedro Luis Villa
Reading comprehension in the literal, inferential and critical-intertextuality levels represents a problem for the students due to multiple factors, among them, the school which has not favored the development in each one ...