Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Lógicas del conflicto escolar : experiencias de los estudiantes de los grados 4° y 5° de la Institución Educativa Francisco Miranda de Medellín
This research has the aim to characterize the logic of school conflict from students experiences that make it possible to approach society as that contains within it a series of opposing collective representations that ...
Prácticas en torno a la educación para la paz y la construcción de ciudadanía experiencia formativa en la Escuela Normal Superior de Quibdó-Chocó
The educational community of the Escuela Normal Superior de Quibdó, in its commitment to train its students integrally, is governed by an institutional educational project -PEI collectively built that has historically ...
Incidencia de los proyectos de convivencia escolar en la promoción de habilidades democráticas y ciudadanas de los estudiantes: el caso de la Institución Educativa Pedro Grau y Arola de la Ciudad de Quibdó
Proposed research show how conflicts are being processed at the Educational Institution Pedro Grau y Arola city of Quibdó, such that fosters democratic and civic education of their students. The paper attempts to identify ...
Diversidad y convivencia : una mirada al currículo en el grado sexto de la Institución Educativa Ciudadela Nuevo Occidente de la ciudad de Medellín
This research work presents as a purpose to comprehensively analyze the ways of addressing within the school curriculum the diversity and how they promote school coexistence in the sixth grade students of the Ciudadela ...