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dc.creatorÁngel I.T.
dc.creatorFranco Y.G.
dc.creatorRodríguez J.J.
dc.descriptionResearch on the topic of cyberbullying often ignores the gender aspects involved as it is approached as a problem of peer bullying. However, cyberbullying reproduces the same gender stereotypes which are present in physical spaces: it often involves the threat of spreading content aimed at undermining young women´s reputation and jeopardizes their present and future personal and professional relationships. In the face of these aggressions, the message that is transmitted to adolescent girls in the media is not one of empowerment but of fear. The burden of protecting oneself and adopting precautions is subverted in them, just like in physical spaces. It is essential to socialize adolescents without fear of discrediting, marginalization, humiliation and, in short, gender violence. © 2018 Universidad Complutense de Madrid. All Rights Reserved.
dc.publisherUniversidad Complutense de Madrid
dc.sourceEstudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico
dc.titleCyberbullying and gender: New benchmarks in the occupation of virtual spaces [Ciberbullying y género: Nuevos referentes en la ocupación de los espacios virtuales]
dc.publisher.programComunicación y Relaciones Corporativasspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Comunicaciónspa
dc.affiliationÁngel, I.T., Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
dc.affiliationFranco, Y.G., Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
dc.affiliationRodríguez, J.J., Universidad de Medellín, Colombia
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