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dc.contributor.authorHerrera J.C.
dc.descriptionThe article analyzes aspects of Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot’s literary criticism on Frankfurt School’s historical materialism and his contribution to the understanding of this philosophical current in Latin America. In the Reading of this theoretical trend, artistic and philological keys emerge, put into practice by some German Authors in the face of the Marxist method, questioning the degree of correspondence between revolutionary theory and praxis, as well as their consistency over time. In the interpretative project undertaken by the Colombian philosopher, however, the possibility of a methodical historical epistemology that surpasses linear modernity, as well as the conception of a new critical theory in which philosophy and poetry converge, can be glimpsed. © 2023 Universita di Trieste. All rights reserved.
dc.publisherUniversita di Trieste
dc.sourceEtica e Politica
dc.sourceEtica Polit.
dc.subjectCritical Theory of Arteng
dc.subjectFrankfurt Schooleng
dc.subjectPoetic Philosophyeng
dc.subjectRafael Gutiérrez Girardoteng
dc.titleRafael Gutiérrez Girardot, contemporary of the Frankfurt School [RAFAEL GUTIÉRREZ GIRARDOT CONTEMPORÁNEO DE LA ESCUELA DE FRANKFURT]eng
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativasspa
dc.affiliationHerrera, J.C., Universidad de Medellín, Colombia
dc.relation.referencesBenjamin, Walter, (1974) Gesammelte Schriften, , Frankfurt: Suhrkamp
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dc.relation.referencesGutiérrez Girardot, Rafael, (1976) Horas de estudio, , Bogotá: Colcultura
dc.relation.references(1983) Modernismo, , Barcelona: Montesinos Editor
dc.relation.referencesCesar Vallejo y Walter Benjamin (1993) Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 520, pp. 55-72
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dc.relation.referencesTheodor W. Adorno, a los diez años de su muerte (2015) Aquelarre, 28, pp. 195-200
dc.relation.referencesPara una lectura de Herbert Marcuse (2015) Aquelarre, 28, pp. 201-204
dc.relation.referencesTheodor W. Adorno (11.9.1903-06.8.1969), , (s.f) Bonn: mecanoscrito inédito
dc.relation.referencesHerbert Marcuse (1898-1970), , (s.f) Bonn: mecanoscrito inédito
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dc.relation.referencesJaramillo Vélez, Rubén, En la muerte de Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot (2010) Anthropos. Huellas del conocimiento, 226, pp. 37-46
dc.relation.referencesMachado, Antonio, (1989) Obras completas, , Oreste Macri (Ed). Madrid: Espasa Calpe
dc.relation.referencesRivas Polo, Carlos, (2015) Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot. Los años de formación en Colombia y España (1928-1953), , (Tesis doctoral). Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca
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dc.relation.referencesVallejo, César, (1982) Obra poética completa. Prólogo de Américo Ferrari, , Madrid: Alianza Tres
dc.identifier.reponamereponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Medellín
dc.identifier.instnameinstname:Universidad de Medellín

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