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dc.contributor.authorDíaz-García J.A
dc.contributor.authorCaro-Lopera F.J.
dc.descriptionThis work sets the matrix variate Birnbaum–Saunders theory in the context of singular distributions and elliptical models. The termed singular matrix variate generalized Birnbaum–Saunders distribution is obtained with respect the Hausdorff measure. Several basic properties and particular cases of this distribution are also derived. © 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
dc.publisherBellwether Publishing, Ltd.
dc.sourceCommunications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
dc.sourceCommun Stat Theory Methods
dc.subjectBirnbaum–Saunders distributioneng
dc.subjectHausdorff measureeng
dc.subjectsingular elliptical distributionseng
dc.subjectSingular matrix variate distributionseng
dc.subjectMathematical techniqueseng
dc.subjectBirnbaum-saunders distributioneng
dc.subjectHausdorff measureseng
dc.subjectMatrix variateseng
dc.subjectSingular distributionseng
dc.subjectSingular matriceseng
dc.subjectStatistical methodseng
dc.titleSingular matrix variate Birnbaum-Saunders distribution under elliptical modelseng
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Básicasspa
dc.affiliationDíaz-García, J.A., Faculty of Basic Sciences, Universidad de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia
dc.affiliationCaro-Lopera, F.J., Faculty of Basic Sciences, Universidad de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia
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dc.identifier.reponamereponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Medellín
dc.identifier.instnameinstname:Universidad de Medellín

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