Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Diseño del modelo de cultura del servicio para Almacenes Flamingo S.A.
The main objective of this work has been to design a service culture model for Almacenes Flamingo SA focused on transforming behaviors to promote employee commitment to the organization. Based on the need of management of ...
Modelo de aprendizaje organizacional, como estrategia para la educación empresarial
This work has as object to develop a model of qualification supported in a theory of learning as it is the constructivist, with an approach of Andragogía (pedagogy of the adult). In order to develop the model aspects ...
Factores psicosociales y organizacionales que afectan la productividad
Most of this text is about a detailed selection of some psychosociological and organizational factors which no doubt afect the performance of the employee and the productivity within the organizations.
Today, organizational ...
Coaching: un nuevo estilo de liderazgo. Banco de Bogotá oficina El Diamante
This monograph shows the importance of the implementation of executive coaching within organizations. This style of leadership creates new opportunities for improvement for each of the employees in the personal, family and ...
Diseño de una propuesta de un modelo de endomarketing para el restaurante Burger King del Centro Comercial El Tesoro en la ciudad de Medellín para el segundo semestre del año 2015
This work is focuses on retaking the concept of endomarketing as relationship strategy based on the perception that the staff is an internal costumer; the proposal will be developed to the Burger King restaurant of El ...
Vinculación y retención de los nuevos trabajadores del siglo XXI
The generation that is graduating from universities is a generation that is radically different from previous generations, which actually are working in firms. For the purpose of this thesis this generation was born between ...
Identificación de oportunidades de mejoramiento del clima organizacional del área de cirugía de la Clínica Las Américas de Medellín
This work is aimed at identifying opportunities for improving the organizational climate of the area of surgery Clinic Las Americas in Medellín, using the World Café technique as a strategy to identify the shared perception ...
Aplicación del modelo coaching en la empresa Construcciones y Vías S.A.S Medellín 2010, con el fin de impactar positivamente los niveles de productividad
The coaching is a term used originally in the sports has been an adopted child for the organizations to achieve the high performance in the equipments of work by means of the intervention of a "Coach", which he will instruct, ...
Modelo de gestión del cambio por fases para organizaciones con el involucramiento de las personas
This project seeks to understand the urgency of change management in organizations with people, so that they have adequate tools to leaders implement changes in the different processes that occur in companies, for example ...