Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Diseño del modelo de cultura del servicio para Almacenes Flamingo S.A.
The main objective of this work has been to design a service culture model for Almacenes Flamingo SA focused on transforming behaviors to promote employee commitment to the organization. Based on the need of management of ...
Modelo gerencial de plan estratégico para apoyar la gestión comercial de la línea comercial de dotación en Didetexco
The market segment of endowments is very important because for rules all companies must provide their employees uniforms this applies to all sectors. Our study will focus on the company Didetexco SA dedicated to the ...
El arte de la guerra una guía estratégica y administrativa aplicado a la administración de la empresa FARMACONTROL S.A.
The Art of the War is the best book of strategies of all the time, with more than two thousand five hundred years written by the Chinese Sun tzu, is inspired in some historical figures like Napoleon, Machiavelli, Mao Tse ...
Diseño de una propuesta del Balanced Scorecard (BSC) para la evaluación de la implementación de los procesos de calidad en la ESE Hospital San Juan de Dios de Santa Fe de Antioquia
A Balance SC or command box, allows to the companies, both private and public, output an organizational situations, where the primary axis platform constituted as: Vision, Mission and Objectives are measurable and in turn, ...
Gestión por procesos aplicada a la unidad estratégica de negocios PCA en SurtiQuímicos Ltda.
This paper aims to present a general strategic management model for process management to improve the performance of the division UNES PCA of SURTIQUIMICOS, Contributing to the competitiveness of the company.
To this end ...
Plan de negocios para la creación de un hotel especializado en el cuidado del paciente foráneo y su familia. Infinity. Estamos contigo!!!
Today the health sector in the city of Medellin, thanks to its quality in the provision of hospital services has a growing demand for patients from different cities to perform medical procedures and treatments, which ...
Análisis de la logística de distribución, como ventaja competitiva para la empresa “La Cabalgata”
This work consists in an accurate research about Distribution Logistics in the Company: “La Cabalgata”, where several inconveniences have occurred in compliance with deliveries to the different types of customers.
It is ...