Complexity or crisis of the sources of law system in Colombia: issues and challenges according to substantive law and procedural law in case law [CRISIS O COMPLEJIDAD DEL SISTEMA DE FUENTES DEL DERECHO EN COLOMBIA: PROBLEMAS Y DESAFÍOS DEL DERECHO SUSTANCIAL Y PROCESAL JURISPRUDENCIAL

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Meza D.A.Y
Giraldo L.D.P
Uribe C.A.C.
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The legal system in Colombia and its issue to be enforceable for any person, it may be known from a context of crisis or complexity, all about the various typologies of sources that mainly work according to case law, where they are constantly in tension, in addition to their concretion of that interaction, among others, the right to equal protection and the principles of legal certainty and predictability of law, all of them are the basis for any well-organized society that can be declared constitutionally as a rule of law. Therefore, this research aims to the characterization and systematization of law from case law that is created from sub-rules that define substantive and procedural contents for any issue according to the case study, all of those situations have shown the current crisis status and the complexity in the legal system and their effect to produce the final aim of this research composed by three parts (part I, part II and part III), all according to the term that we have named general clause of the sources of law in Colombia. © 2021, Corporacion Universitaria Republicana. All rights reserved.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]