Now showing items 761-780 of 4223

    • Conventionality control and the legal guarantees in the criminal subrogation process [El control de convencionalidad y las garantías jurídicas en el proceso para el subrogado penal] 

      Carvajal D.M.R; Galeano A.P. (Escuela Militar de CadetesDerechoFacultad de Derecho, 2021)
      The extremely legalistic legal traditions still maintained in the Colombian criminal process underpin judges' and prevent the application of sources of law that emanate from the Constitution, conventional norms, and ...
    • Changes in mobility and socioeconomic conditions during the COVID-19 outbreak 

      Dueñas M; Campi M; Olmos L.E. (Springer NatureCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      Since the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, governments have been implementing containment measures aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus, including restrictions to human mobility. The ability ...
    • Certified B corporations: An approach to tensions of sustainable-driven hybrid business models in an emerging economy 

      Tabares S. (Elsevier LtdNegocios InternacionalesFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2021)
      New business models have been attracting attention for their capacity to respond to the current society's challenges, maintaining a balance between social, environmental, and economic logics. This paper focuses on the ...
    • Complexity or crisis of the sources of law system in Colombia: issues and challenges according to substantive law and procedural law in case law [CRISIS O COMPLEJIDAD DEL SISTEMA DE FUENTES DEL DERECHO EN COLOMBIA: PROBLEMAS Y DESAFÍOS DEL DERECHO SUSTANCIAL Y PROCESAL JURISPRUDENCIAL 

      Meza D.A.Y; Giraldo L.D.P; Uribe C.A.C. (Corporacion Universitaria RepublicanaDerechoFacultad de Derecho, 2021)
      The legal system in Colombia and its issue to be enforceable for any person, it may be known from a context of crisis or complexity, all about the various typologies of sources that mainly work according to case law, where ...
    • Close and distant memories: From the stories about the local experience of violence to the configuration of a commemorative narrative in Colombia [Memorias cercanas y memorias lejanas: De los relatos sobre la experiencia local de la violencia a la configuración de una narrativa conmemorativa en Colombia] 

      Romero G.R. (Centro em Rede de Investigacao em AntropologiaMaestría en conflicto y pazFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2021)
      In this regard, the paper states that the official reports of memory are per-ceived as distant narrative devices by the local actors whose memory these reports seek to reflect. A tension is thus established between the ...
    • Characterization of performance evaluation methods for software development teams [Caracterización de métodos de evaluación de desempeño para equipos de desarrollo de software] 

      Arbeláez J.J.Z; Manrique-Losada B; Gasca-Hurtado G.P; Machuca-Villegas L. (Universidad de TarapacaIngeniería de SistemasFacultad de Ingenierías, 2021)
      The purpose of the performance evaluation is to measure the degree in which an employee of an organization adjusts or complies with the desired profile. The results of this measurement allow generating recommendations to ...
    • Carbon Monoxide Effect on Human Cardiac Tissue. In Silico Study 

      Tobón C; Durango-Giraldo G; Ugarte J.P. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      The Exposure to atmospheric pollutants, such as carbon monoxide (CO), promotes the appearance of cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown that CO blocks calcium channels, leading to a decrease of the ICaL current and ...
    • Calibration of the underground muon detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory 

      Aab A; Abreu P; Aglietta M; Albury J.M; Allekotte I; Almela A; Alvarez-Muñiz J; Alves Batista R; Anastasi G.A; Anchordoqui L; Andrada B; Andringa S; Aramo C; Araújo Ferreira P.R; Arteaga Velázquez J.C; Asorey H; Assis P; Avila G; Badescu A.M; Bakalova A; Balaceanu A; Barbato F; Barreira Luz R.J; Becker K.H; Bellido J.A; Berat C; Bertaina M.E; Bertou X; Biermann P.L; Bister T; Biteau J; Blazek J; Bleve C; Boháčová M; Boncioli D; Bonifazi C; Bonneau Arbeletche L; Borodai N; Botti A.M; Brack J; Bretz T; Brichetto Orchera P.G; Briechle F.L; Buchholz P; Bueno A; Buitink S; Buscemi M; Caballero-Mora K.S; Caccianiga L; Canfora F; Caracas I; Carceller J.M; Caruso R; Castellina A; Catalani F; Cataldi G; Cazon L; Cerda M; Chinellato J.A; Choi K; Chudoba J; Chytka L; Clay R.W; Cobos Cerutti A.C; Colalillo R; Coleman A; Coluccia M.R; Conceição R; Condorelli A; Consolati G; Contreras F; Convenga F; Correia dos Santos D; Covault C.E; Dasso S; Daumiller K; Dawson B.R; Day J.A; de Almeida R.M; de Jesús J; de Jong S.J; De Mauro G; de Mello Neto J.R.T; De Mitri I; de Oliveira J; de Oliveira Franco D; de Palma F; de Souza V; De Vito E; del Río M; Deligny O; Di Matteo A; Dobrigkeit C; D'Olivo J.C; dos Anjos R.C; Dova M.T; Ebr J; Engel R; Epicoco I; Erdmann M; Escobar C.O; Etchegoyen A; Falcke H; Farmer J; Farrar G; Fauth A.C; Fazzini N; Feldbusch F; Fenu F; Fick B; Figueira J.M; Filipčič A; Fodran T; Freire M.M; Fujii T; Fuster A; Galea C; Galelli C; García B; Garcia Vegas A.L; Gemmeke H; Gesualdi F; Gherghel-Lascu A; Ghia P.L; Giaccari U; Giammarchi M; Giller M; Glombitza J; Gobbi F; Gollan F; Golup G; Gómez Berisso M; Gómez Vitale P.F; Gongora J.P; González J.M; González N; Goos I; Góra D; Gorgi A; Gottowik M; Grubb T.D; Guarino F; Guedes G.P; Guido E; Hahn S; Hamal P; Hampel M.R; Hansen P; Harari D; Harvey V.M; Haungs A; Hebbeker T; Heck D; Hill G.C; Hojvat C; Hörandel J.R; Horvath P; Hrabovský M; Huege T; Hulsman J; Insolia A; Isar P.G; Janecek P; Johnsen J.A; Jurysek J; Kääpä A; Kampert K.H; Keilhauer B; Kemp J; Klages H.O; Kleifges M; Kleinfeller J; Köpke M; Kunka N; Lago B.L; Lang R.G; Langner N; Leigui de Oliveira M.A; Lenok V; Letessier-Selvon A; Lhenry-Yvon I; Lo Presti D; Lopes L; López R; Lu L; Luce Q; Lucero A; Lundquist J.P; Machado Payeras A; Mancarella G; Mandat D; Manning B.C; Manshanden J; Mantsch P; Marafico S; Mariazzi A.G; Mariş I.C; Marsella G; Martello D; Martinez H; Martínez Bravo O; Mastrodicasa M; Mathes H.J; Matthews J; Matthiae G; Mayotte E; Mazur P.O; Medina-Tanco G; Melo D; Menshikov A; Merenda K.-D; Michal S; Micheletti M.I; Miramonti L; Mollerach S; Montanet F; Morello C; Mostafá M; Müller A.L; Muller M.A; Mulrey K; Mussa R; Muzio M; Namasaka W.M; Nasr-Esfahani A; Nellen L; Niculescu-Oglinzanu M; Niechciol M; Nitz D; Nosek D; Novotny V; Nožka L; Nucita A; Núñez L.A; Palatka M; Pallotta J; Papenbreer P; Parente G; Parra A; Pech M; Pedreira F; Pȩkala J; Pelayo R; Peña-Rodriguez J; Pereira Martins E.E; Perez Armand J; Pérez Bertolli C; Perlin M; Perrone L; Petrera S; Pierog T; Pimenta M; Pirronello V; Platino M; Pont B; Pothast M; Privitera P; Prouza M; Puyleart A; Querchfeld S; Rautenberg J; Ravignani D; Reininghaus M; Ridky J; Riehn F; Risse M; Rizi V; Rodrigues de Carvalho W; Rodriguez Rojo J; Roncoroni M.J; Roth M; Roulet E; Rovero A.C; Ruehl P; Saffi S.J; Saftoiu A; Salamida F; Salazar H; Salina G; Sanabria Gomez J.D; Sánchez F; Santos E.M; Santos E; Sarazin F; Sarmento R; Sarmiento-Cano C; Sato R; Savina P; Schäfer C.M; Scherini V; Schieler H; Schimassek M; Schimp M; Schlüter F; Schmidt D; Scholten O; Schovánek P; Schröder F.G; Schröder S; Schulte J; Sciutto S.J; Scornavacche M; Segreto A; Sehgal S; Shellard R.C; Sigl G; Silli G; Sima O; Šmída R; Sommers P; Soriano J.F; Souchard J; Squartini R; Stadelmaier M; Stanca D; Stanič S; Stasielak J; Stassi P; Streich A; Suárez-Durán M; Sudholz T; Suomijärvi T; Supanitsky A.D; Šupík J; Szadkowski Z; Taboada A; Tapia A; Taricco C; Timmermans C; Tkachenko O; Tobiska P; Todero Peixoto C.J; Tomé B; Travaini A; Travnicek P; Trimarelli C; Trini M; Tueros M; Ulrich R; Unger M; Vaclavek L; Vacula M; Valdés Galicia J.F; Valore L; Varela E; Varma V.K.C; Vásquez-Ramírez A; Veberič D; Ventura C; Vergara Quispe I.D; Verzi V; Vicha J; Vink J; Vorobiov S; Wahlberg H; Watanabe C; Watson A.A; Weber M; Weindl A; Wiencke L; Wilczyński H; Winchen T; Wirtz M; Wittkowski D; Wundheiler B; Yushkov A; Zapparrata O; Zas E; Zavrtanik D; Zavrtanik M; Zehrer L; Zepeda A; The Pierre Auger collaboration (IOP Publishing LtdCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      To obtain direct measurements of the muon content of extensive air showers with energy above 101 eV, the Pierre Auger Observatory is currently being equipped with an underground muon detector (UMD), consisting of 219 10 ...
    • Background on Learning Styles for Virtual Environments [Antecedentes sobre Estilos de Aprendizagem para Ambientes Virtuais] [Antecedentes de los Estilos de Aprendizaje para Entornos Virtuales1] 

      Álvarez-Torres J.-H; Cuatindioy-Imbachi J; González-Palacio L; Risco M.A.L.-D; González-Palacio M; Aguirre-Morales J. (Corporacion Universitaria LasallistaSISTEMAS-ENERGÍA-TELECOMUNICACIONESFacultad de Ingenierías, 2021)
      Introduction: in the context of virtual education, research is needed on the learning styles of each student, which offers them personalized options for their learning process. This project seeks to integrate learning ...
    • Bacterial diversity analysis of freshwater sources for human use in rural areas of the tropical Andean region of Colombia [Análisis de la diversidad bacteriana en aguas superficiales usadas para consumo humano en zonas rurales de la región andina colombiana] 

      Bedoya K; Galeano L; Hincapié M.M; Mesa J.A; Alzate J.F. (Asociacion Colombiana de InfectologiaIngeniería AmbientalFacultad de Ingenierías, 2021)
      Potable water supply and sanitization in rural areas in developing countries are still inadequate. The main risk associated with unsafe drinking water is the infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Objective: In this ...
    • Assessments under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Bibliometric Analysis 

      Londoño-Pineda A.A; Cano J.A. (SciendoAdministración de EmpresasNegocios InternacionalesFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2022)
      The United Nations announced its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development worldwide in 2015. Comprehensive assessments of member states' performance towards achieving the related UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have ...
    • Augmented reality mobile apps for cultural heritage reactivation 

      Hincapié M; Díaz C; Zapata-Cárdenas M.-I; Rios H.D.J.T; Valencia D; Güemes-Castorena D. (Elsevier LtdAdministración de Empresas TurísticasComunicación y Relaciones CorporativasFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y AdministrativasFacultad de Comunicación, 2021)
      The use of augmented reality and GPS-guided applications has proven successful for reviving cultural heritage. However, the impact of using these technologies on the learning process of cultural heritage has not been studied ...
    • Background impurities in a delta-doped QW. Part II: Edge doping 

      Akimov V; Tulupenko V; Duque C.A; Morales A.L; Demediuk R; Tiutiunnyk A; Laroze D; Kovalov V; Sushchenko D. (IOP Publishing LtdCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      This is the second part of our study of the background impurity influence on the intersubband energy structure of a single SiGe/Si/SiGe quantum well with the impurity delta layer within the well. By the background impurity ...
    • Attitude Towards Sport Practice: What Makes an Individual Continued Practice of Sport? 

      Sánchez-Torres J.A; Arroyo-Cañada F.-J; Argila-Irurita A; Rivera Gonzalez J.A. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHMercadeoFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2021)
      Sport practice is conditioned by different factors; previous studies have shown that the attitude towards physical activity and sports practice is largely conditioned by the individual. This study proposes to examine whether ...
    • Be provoking. Schooling critical and speculative designers 

      Pérez-Orrego N; Arango-Flórez J; Fernandez-Silva C; Mira-Duque J.D. (ASLERDDiseño y Gestión del ProductoFacultad de Diseño, 2022)
      Designing the provocation is a powerful strategy to jump from denouncing to generating actions and behaviors of a critical and speculative nature in design students. This article presents the discursive character of critical ...
    • Bottom-up estimates of atmospheric emissions of CO2, NO2, CO, NH3, and Black Carbon, generated by biomass burning in the north of South America [Estimación de emisiones atmosféricas de CO2, NO2, CO, NH3 y Black Carbon vía bottom up, generados por quema de biomasa en el norte de América del Sur] 

      Valencia G.M; Anaya J.A; Caro-Lopera F.J. (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.Ingeniería AmbientalCiencias BásicasFacultad de IngenieríasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2022)
      Biomass burning is an important source of greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutants (AP) in developing countries. In this research, a bottom-up method was implemented for the estimation of emissions, emphasizing the ...
    • Atrial proarrhythmic effect of lead as one of the PM10 metal components of air pollution. An in-silico study 

      Palacio L.C; Pachajoa D.C; Durango-Giraldo G; Zapata-Hernandez C; Ugarte J.P; Saiz J; Buitrago-Sierra R; Tobón C. (Public Library of ScienceCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      Particulate matter (PM) is considered the most severe environmental pollution problem due to its serious effects on human health associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In this work, a ...
    • Beyond factors that motivate the adoption of the ISO/IEC 29110 in Mexico: An exploratory study of the implementation pace of this standard and the benefits observed 

      Muñoz M; Mejía J; Peña A; Laporte C.Y; Gasca-Hurtado G.P. (John Wiley and Sons IncIngeniería de SistemasFacultad de Ingenierías, 2021)
      Around the world, the importance of Very Small Entities (VSEs), organisations having up to 25 people, has been constantly increasing. Worldwide, VSEs represent over 92% of the software industry. Therefore, two main needs ...
    • Assessment of the potential risk of leaching pesticides in agricultural soils: study case Tibasosa, Boyacá, Colombia 

      Navarro L; Camacho R; López J.E; Saldarriaga J.F. (Elsevier LtdIngeniería AmbientalFacultad de Ingenierías, 2021)
      Agricultural soils need monitoring systems to address pesticide risks for humans and the environment. The purpose of this paper was to obtain leaching risk maps of the pesticides imidacloprid, lambda-cyhalothrin, and ...
    • An ICT-Based Teaching Strategy to Promote Communicative Interactions: An Online Learning Approach During the COVID-19 Pandemic 

      Arango-Vásquez S.I; Manrique-Losada B. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHComunicación y Relaciones CorporativasIngeniería de SistemasFacultad de IngenieríasFacultad de Comunicación, 2022)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has positioned the issue of the virtual environments in the “new normal” of the teaching and learning processes. During these last times, the rapid transition from traditional face-to-face learning ...