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dc.creatorJaramillo-Londoño, Juan Carlosspa
dc.creatorPinto-Coelho, Ricardo Mottaspa
dc.identifier.citationJaramillo-Londoño, J. C., & Pinto-Coelho, R. M. (2010). Interaction between Hexarthra intermedia (Rotifera) and Bosmina longirostris (Cladocera): a case of opportunistic nutrition or interference competition?. Journal of Plankton Research, 32(6),
dc.descriptionThis study describes a new ecological association between two typical components of tropical freshwater zooplankton: the cladoceran (Bosmina longirostris) and the rotifer (Hexarthra intermedia), which, unlike those reported in the literature, led to mortal damage to the
dc.publisherOxford University Pressspa
dc.sourceJournal of plankton researchspa
dc.subjectHexarthra intermediaspa
dc.subjectBosmina longirostrisspa
dc.subjectZooplankton interactionspa
dc.subjectZooplankton feedingspa
dc.titleInteraction between Hexarthra intermedia (Rotifera) and Bosmina longirostris (Cladocera): a case of opportunistic nutrition or interference competition?spa
dc.publisher.programIngeniería Ambientalspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ingenieríasspa
dc.creator.affiliationJaramillo-Londoño, Juan Carlos; Universidad de Antioquia; Universidad de Medellínspa
dc.creator.affiliationPinto-Coelho, Ricardo Motta; Laboratório de Gestão Ambiental de Reservatórios; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizontespa
dc.relation.ispartofesJournal of plankton research, volume 32, number 6, pages 961–966, 2010spa
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