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dc.creatorVásquez Roldán J.S., Henao
dc.description.abstractThe conditions in which the combination of productive factors allows the optimal and profitable obtaining of goods and services, depends to a large extent on the level and quality of life of the society. Therefore, the better the relation of the associated factors and inputs with the final result of the process- quantified in quality goods and services at an adequate price level- the greater the welfare possibilities for all economic agents. © 2017.eng
dc.publisherRevista Espaciosspa
dc.titleThe role of human capital and alternative measures of productivity in industrial dynamics and production worlds [El papel del capital humano y las mediciones alternativas de la productividad en la dinámica industrial y los mundos de producción]spa
dc.contributor.affiliationEconomía Universidad da Coruña, Economía, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana - UNAULA, Economista miembro grupo GINVECO, Colombia; MBA Universidad de Medellín, Economía, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana, Economista miembro grupo GINVECO, Colombiaspa
dc.subject.keywordHuman Capital; Production; Productivityeng
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativasspa
dc.abstractThe conditions in which the combination of productive factors allows the optimal and profitable obtaining of goods and services, depends to a large extent on the level and quality of life of the society. Therefore, the better the relation of the associated factors and inputs with the final result of the process- quantified in quality goods and services at an adequate price level- the greater the welfare possibilities for all economic agents. © 2017.eng
dc.creator.affiliationVásquez Roldán, J.S., Economía Universidad da Coruña, Economía, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana - UNAULA, Economista miembro grupo GINVECO, Colombia; Henao, R.N.G., MBA Universidad de Medellín, Economía, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana, Economista miembro grupo GINVECO, Colombiaspa
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