Instrument to determine the predictors of innovation capacities in the context of health organizations. Assessment of your reliability [Instrumento para determinar los predictores de las capacidades de innovación en el contexto de las organizaciones de salud. Evaluación de su confiabilidad]

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Lopez Montoya O.H., Villegas G.C., Cantú-Mata J.L.
Lopez Montoya, O.H., Universidad del Tolima, Colombia; Villegas, G.C., Universidad de Medellín, Colombia; Cantú-Mata, J.L., Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
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The purpose of this proposal is to test the reliability of an instrument in the context of health care organizations. Three techniques were applied to a pilot sample of 108 observations: 1) the test of the two halves, where they are correlated, in order to obtain the reliability coefficient for each one, and Spearman-Brown is used to infer such reliability of the complete test; 2) the internal consistency test yielded an average indicator of 0.94; and 3) The correlation-item-total test yielded very high correlations and levels of significance < 0.05 for each predictor of innovation capability. © 2018.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]