Mostrando ítems 341-360 de 1632

    • Structural testing of ungrouted post-tensioned cantilever masonry walls under unidirectional out-of-plane monotonic and cyclic loading 

      García J.M; Bonett R.L; Schultz A.E. (Elsevier LtdIngeniería CivilFacultad de Ingenierías, 2021)
      Post-tensioning techniques improve the tensile strength of masonry substantially, endowing posttensioned masonry with performance comparable or superior to that of reinforced masonry cantilever walls. A useful structural ...
    • Spontaneous activation under atrial fibrosis: A model using complex order derivatives 

      Ugarte J.P; Tobón C; Saiz J; Lopes A.M; Tenreiro Machado J.A. (Elsevier B.V.Ciencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      The computational modeling of the cardiac electrophysiology allows assertive and quantitative study of the atrial fibrosis under fibrillation conditions. The cardiac electrical propagation is described by the so-called ...
    • Spatial Distribution of Social Inequality in the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador 

      Valencia-Salvador J.A; Sepúlveda-Murillo F.H; Flores-Sánchez M.A; Builes N.M.S. (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.Ciencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2022)
      Exploring the spatial variation of regional social inequality allows the design of public policies; therefore, this study analyzes this phenomenon in the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador (MDQ). To achieve this goal, ...
    • Solving the picker routing problem in multi-block high-level storage systems using metaheuristics 

      Cano J.A; Cortés P; Muñuzuri J; Correa-Espinal A. (SpringerAdministración de EmpresasFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2022)
      This study aims to minimize the travel time in multi-block high-level storage systems considering height level constraints for picking devices to leave aisles. Considering these operating environments, the formulation of ...
    • Sound territories. Artistic, political and pedagogical resistance in the Hip Hop Schools in Medellín [Territorios sonoros. Resistencia artística, política y pedagógica en las Escuelas de Hip Hop en Medellín] 

      Montoya Á.G; Valencia G.L.A. (Ariadna EdicionesComunicación y Relaciones CorporativasFacultad de Comunicación, 2022)
      The research Sound Territories: Hip Hop Schools in Medellín, recognizes in hip hop culture a modality of urban musical creation and training through Hip Hop Schools, considered symbolic spaces of political-cultural resistance ...
    • Spot the difference: hydrogen adsorption and dissociation on unsupported platinum and platinum-coated transition metal carbides 

      Koverga A.A; Flórez E; Jimenez-Orozco C; Rodriguez J.A. (Royal Society of ChemistryCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      Hydrogenation reactions are involved in several processes in heterogeneous catalysis. Platinum is the best-known catalyst; however, there are limitations to its practical use. Therefore, it is necessary to explore alternative ...
    • Special Section on AI-empowered Multimedia Data Analytics for Smart Healthcare 

      Hossain M.S; Cucchiara R; Muhammad G; Tobón D.P; El Saddik A. (Association for Computing MachineryIngeniería de TelecomunicacionesFacultad de Ingenierías, 2022)
      [No abstract available]
    • Solving the order batching and sequencing problem with multiple pickers: A grouped genetic algorithm 

      Cano J.A; Cortés P; Campo E.A; Correa-Espinal A.A. (Institute of Advanced Engineering and ScienceAdministración de EmpresasFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2021)
      This paper introduces a grouped genetic algorithm (GGA) to solve the order batching and sequencing problem with multiple pickers (OBSPMP) with the objective of minimizing total completion time. To the best of our knowledge, ...
    • Sociological analysis of the accounting system from Niklas Luhmann [Análisis sociológico del sistema contable desde Niklas Luhmann] 

      Betancur H.D; Builes N.M.S; Vargas-González C. (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de MexicoContaduría PúblicaMaestría en educaciónFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y AdministrativasFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2022)
      The dissimilar constructs that the accounting community has elaborated on the accounting system, based on cause/effect, means/end and whole/part perspectives, have been insufficient to observe complex contemporary reality. ...
    • Social perception assessment of hydropower sustainability: A stepwise logistic regression modeling 

      Cortés-Borda D; Polanco J.-A; Escobar-Sierra M. (Elsevier LtdAdministración de EmpresasFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2022)
      Hydropower dams could benefit the three dimensions of sustainability of the river basins where they are deployed. However, experiences from large hydropower projects worldwide taught that large hydropower dams may cause ...
    • Sociopolítica de la transgresión 

      Zapata D.C. (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de MexicoMaestría en conflicto y pazFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2022)
      This paper presents a theoretical analysis of transgression in Georges Bataille, seeing it as a key moment in the production and reproduction of society and its subjects. Based on authors from different theoretical traditions, ...
    • Sequential surface and subsurface flow modeling in a tropical aquifer under different rainfall scenarios 

      Jimenez M; Velásquez N; Jimenez J.E; Barco J; Blessent D; López-Sánchez J; Castrillón S.C; Valenzuela C; Therrien R; Boico V.F; Múnera J.C. (Elsevier LtdIngeniería AmbientalFacultad de Ingenierías, 2022)
      The La Miel River watershed is an area of high hydrological interest in Colombia due to its abundant water resources, high annual precipitation, and hydroelectric power generation. This work proposes a sequential modeling ...
    • Size and stoichiometry effects on the reactivity of mocynanoparticles toward ethylene 

      Jimenez-Orozco C; Figueras M; Flórez E; Viñes F; Rodriguez J.A; Illas F. (American Chemical SocietyCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      Molybdenum carbides are promising alternative catalysts to Pt-group metals for the hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons. Nanostructuring has been shown to be an efficient way to boost the catalytic activity of these ...
    • Social mobilization and democracy: Social transformation and construction of political subjectivities through communicative dissent [Movilizacion social y democracia: Transformacion social y construccion de subjetividades políticas a través del disenso comunicativo] 

      Gomez J.C.G. (Ariadna EdicionesMaestría en conflicto y pazFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2021)
      The paper explores the idea of social change towards democracy from the liberal and conventional perspective presented in the work of Francis Fukuyama and compares it with the proposal of social evolution made by Hauke ...
    • Singular matrix variate Birnbaum-Saunders distribution under elliptical models 

      Díaz-García J.A; Caro-Lopera F.J. (Bellwether Publishing, Ltd.Ciencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      This work sets the matrix variate Birnbaum–Saunders theory in the context of singular distributions and elliptical models. The termed singular matrix variate generalized Birnbaum–Saunders distribution is obtained with ...
    • Shallow geothermal energy application's feasibility in Colombia. Case study: SWSHP in preservation stage of flowers' production 

      Villafán-Sierra M; Blessent D; López-Sánchez J; Arrieta-González C.E; González-Palacio M. (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGEIngeniería AmbientalIngeniería en EnergíaIngeniería de TelecomunicacionesFacultad de Ingenierías, 2021)
      Very low enthalpy geothermal energy is one of the least known NCRES in Colombia, but it has been widely used around the world in particular for space conditioning (heating and/or cooling) for domestic and industrial purposes, ...
    • Social and human factors influencing software development productivity: Perception measurement [Factores sociales y humanos que influyen en la productividad del desarrollo de software: Medición de la percepción] 

      Machuca-Villegas L; Gasca-Hurtado G.P; Puente S.M; Tamayo L.M.R. (Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de InformacaoIngeniería de SistemasMaestría en EducaciónFacultad de IngenieríasFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2021)
      Social and human factors have an important role in the software development process. These factors can influence the success of software projects and in teamwork’s productivity. The objective of this research is to measure ...
    • Social intelligence management model supported by social media services to transform libraries into information and knowledge centers [Modelo de gestión de la inteligencia social apoyado en servicios de social media para transformar las bibliotecas en centros de información y conocimiento] 

      Vega C.M; Marín L.M.G; Montoya L.F.V. (Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de InformacaoIngeniería de SistemasFacultad de Ingenierías, 2021)
      Libraries and information managers have moved from the industrial society to the information and knowledge society, they are currently facing the fourth industrial revolution that brings new challenges such as the development ...
    • Sentence t-030 of colombian constitutional court: The correlation between internet access, right to education and equity [sentencia t-030 de 2020 de la corte constitucional de colombia: La correlación entre el acceso a internet, el derecho a la educación y la equidad] 

      Tamayo J.F.R; Cardona E.C. (Universidade de BrasiliaDerechoFacultad de Derecho, 2021)
      [Purpose] This text aims to present the factual and legal elemntes used by the Colombian Constitutional Court to issue Sentence T-030 0f 2020, in which the relationship between interner Access and education is made explicit. ...
    • Searching for solar KDAR with DUNE 

      Abed Abud A; Abi B; Acciarri R; Acero M.A; Adames M.R; Adamov G; Adams D; Adinolfi M; Aduszkiewicz A; Aguilar J; Ahmad Z; Ahmed J; Ali-Mohammadzadeh B; Alion T; Allison K; Alonso Monsalve S; Alrashed M; Alt C; Alton A; Amedo P; Anderson J; Andreopoulos C; Andreotti M; Andrews M.P; Andrianala F; Andringa S; Anfimov N; Ankowski A; Antoniassi M; Antonova M; Antoshkin A; Antusch S; Aranda-Fernandez A; Ariga A; Arnold L.O; Arroyave M.A; Asaadi J; Asquith L; Aurisano A; Aushev V; Autiero D; Ayala-Torres M; Azfar F; Back A; Back H; Back J.J; Backhouse C; Baesso P; Bagaturia I; Bagby L; Balashov N; Balasubramanian S; Baldi P; Baller B; Bambah B; Barao F; Barenboim G; Barker G.J; Barkhouse W; Barnes C; Barr G; Barranco Monarca J; Barros A; Barros N; Barrow J.L; Basharina-Freshville A; Bashyal A; Basque V; Belchior E; Battat J.B.R; Battisti F; Bay F; Bazo Alba J.L; Beacom J.F; Bechetoille E; Behera B; Bellantoni L; Bellettini G; Bellini V; Beltramello O; Belver D; Benekos N; Benitez Montiel C; Bento Neves F; Berger J; Berkman S; Bernardini P; Berner R.M; Berns H; Bertolucci S; Betancourt M; Betancur Rodríguez A; Bevan A; Bezerra T.J.C; Bhatnagar V; Bhattacharjee M; Bhuller S; Bhuyan B; Biagi S; Bian J; Biassoni M; Biery K; Bilki B; Bishai M; Bitadze A; Blake A; Blaszczyk F.D.M; Blazey G.C; Blucher E; Boissevain J; Bolognesi S; Bolton T; Bomben L; Bonesini M; Bongrand M; Bonini F; Booth A; Booth C; Boran F; Bordoni S; Borkum A; Boschi T; Bostan N; Bour P; Bourgeois C; Boyd S.B; Boyden D; Bracinik J; Braga D; Brailsford D; Branca A; Brandt A; Bremer J; Brew C; Brianne E; Brice S.J; Brizzolari C; Bromberg C; Brooijmans G; Brooke J; Bross A; Brunetti G; Brunetti M; Buchanan N; Budd H; Butorov I; Cagnoli I; Caiulo D; Calabrese R; Calafiura P; Calcutt J; Calin M; Calvez S; Calvo E; Caminata A; Campanelli M; Cankocak K; Caratelli D; Carini G; Carlus B; Carneiro M.F; Carniti P; Caro Terrazas I; Carranza H; Carroll T; Castaño Forero J.F; Castillo A; Castromonte C; Catano-Mur E; Cattadori C; Cavalier F; Cavanna F; Centro S; Cerati G; Cervelli A; Cervera Villanueva A; Chalifour M; Chappell A; Chardonnet E; Charitonidis N; Chatterjee A; Chattopadhyay S; Chen H; Chen M; Chen Y; Chen Z; Cheon Y; Cherdack D; Chi C; Childress S; Chiriacescu A; Chisnall G; Cho K; Choate S; Chokheli D; Chong P.S; Choubey S; Christensen A; Christian D; Christodoulou G; Chukanov A; Chung M; Church E; Cicero V; Clarke P; Coan T.E; Cocco A.G; Coelho J.A.B; Conley E; Conley R; Conrad J.M; Convery M; Copello S; Corwin L; Valentim R; Cremaldi L; Cremonesi L; Crespo-Anadón J.I; Crisler M; Cristaldo E; Cross R; Cudd A; Cuesta C; Cui Y; Cussans D; Dalager O; da Motta H; da Silva Peres L; David C; David Q; Davies G.S; Davini S; Dawson J; De K; Debbins P; de Bonis I; Decowski M.P; de Gouvêa A; de Holanda P.C; de Icaza Astiz I.L; Deisting A; de Jong P; Delbart A; Delepine D; Delgado M; Dell’Acqua A; de Lurgio P; de Mello Neto J.R.T; DeMuth D.M; Dennis S; Densham C; Deptuch G.W; de Roeck A; de Romeri V; de Souza G; Devi R; Dharmapalan R; Dias M; Diaz F; Díaz J.S; Di Domizio S; Di Giulio L; Ding P; Di Noto L; Distefano C; Diurba R; Diwan M; Djurcic Z; Doering D; Dolan S; Dolek F; Dolinski M.J; Domine L; Douglas D; Douillet D; Drake G; Drielsma F; Duarte L; Duchesneau D; Duffy K; Dunne P; Durkin T; Duyang H; Dvornikov O; Dwyer D.A; Dyshkant A.S; Eads M; Earle A; Edmunds D; Eisch J; Emberger L; Emery S; Ereditato A; Erjavec T; Escobar C.O; Eurin G; Evans J.J; Ewart E; Ezeribe A.C; Fahey K; Falcone A; Fani M; Farnese C; Farzan Y; Fedoseev D; Felix J; Feng Y; Fernandez-Martinez E; Fernandez Menendez P; Fernandez Morales M; Ferraro F; Fields L; Filip P; Filthaut F; Fiorentini A; Fiorini M; Fitzpatrick R.S; Flanagan W; Fleming B; Flight R; Forero D.V; Fowler J; Fox W; Franc J; Francis K; Franco D; Freeman J; Freestone J; Fried J; Friedland A; Fuentes Robayo F; Fuess S; Furic I.K; Furmanski A.P; Gabrielli A; Gago A; Gallagher H; Gallas A; Gallego-Ros A; Gallice N; Galymov V; Gamberini E; Gamble T; Ganacim F; Gandhi R; Gandrajula R; Gao F; Gao S; Garcia B.A.C; Garcia-Gamez D; García-Peris M.Á; Gardiner S; Gastler D; Gauvreau J; Ge G; Gelli B; Gendotti A; Gent S; Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z; Giammaria P; Giammaria T; Gibin D; Gil-Botella I; Gilligan S; Girerd C; Giri A.K; Gnani D; Gogota O; Gold M; Gollapinni S; Gollwitzer K; Gomes R.A; Gomez Bermeo L.V; Gomez Fajardo L.S; Gonnella F; Gonzalez-Cuevas J.A; Gonzalez Diaz D; Gonzalez-Lopez M; Goodman M.C; Goodwin O; Goswami S; Gotti C; Goudzovski E; Grace C; Graham M; Gran R; Granados E; Granger P; Grant A; Grant C; Gratieri D; Green P; Greenler L; Greer J; Grenard J; Griffith W.C; Groh M; Grudzinski J; Grzelak K; Gu W; Guardincerri E; Guarino V; Guarise M; Guenette R; Guerard E; Guerzoni M; Guglielmi A; Guo B; Guthikonda K.K; Gutierrez R; Guzowski P; Guzzo M.M; Gwon S; Ha C; Habig A; Hadavand H; Haenni R; Hahn A; Haiston J; Hamacher-Baumann P; Hamernik T; Hamilton P; Han J; Harris D.A; Hartnell J; Harton J; Hasegawa T; Hasnip C; Hatcher R; Hatfield K.W; Hatzikoutelis A; Hayes C; Hayrapetyan K; Hays J; Hazen E; He M; Heavey A; Heeger K.M; Heise J; Hennessy K; Henry S; Hernandez Morquecho M.A; Herner K; Hertel L; Hewes J; Higuera A; Hill T; Hillier S.J; Himmel A; Hirsch L.R; Ho J; Hoff J; Holin A; Hoppe E; Horton-Smith G.A; Hostert M; Hourlier A; Howard B; Howell R; Hristova I; Hronek M.S; Huang J; Huang J; Hugon J; Iles G; Ilic N; Iliescu A.M; Illingworth R; Ingratta G; Ioannisian A; Isenhower L; Itay R; Izmaylov A; Jackson C.M; Jain V; James E; Jang W; Jargowsky B; Jediny F; Jena D; Jeong Y.S; Jesús-Valls C; Ji X; Jiang L; Jiménez S; Jipa A; Johnson R; Johnston N; Jones B; Jones S.B; Judah M; Jung C.K; Junk T; Jwa Y; Kabirnezhad M; Kaboth A; Kadenko I; Kalra D; Kakorin I; Kalitkina A; Kamiya F; Kaneshige N; Karagiorgi G; Karaman G; Karcher A; Karolak M; Karyotakis Y; Kasai S; Kasetti S.P; Kashur L; Kazaryan N; Kearns E; Keener P; Kelly K.J; Kemp E; Kemularia O; Ketchum W; Kettell S.H; Khabibullin M; Khotjantsev A; Khvedelidze A; Kim D; King B; Kirby B; Kirby M; Klein J; Koehler K; Koerner L.W; Kohn S; Koller P.P; Kolupaeva L; Korablev D; Kordosky M; Kosc T; Kose U; Kostelecký V.A; Kothekar K; Krennrich F; Kreslo I; Kropp W; Kudenko Y; Kudryavtsev V.A; Kulagin S; Kumar J; Kumar P; Kunze P; Kuruppu C; Kus V; Kutter T; Kvasnicka J; Kwak D; Lambert A; Land B.J; Lande K; Lane C.E; Lang K; Langford T; Langstaff M; Larkin J; Lasorak P; Last D; Lastoria C; Laundrie A; Laurenti G; Lawrence A; Lazanu I; LaZur R; Lazzaroni M; Le T; Leardini S; Learned J; LeBrun P; LeCompte T; Lee C; Lee S.Y; Lehmann Miotto G; Lehnert R; Leigui de Oliveira M.A; Leitner M; Lepin L.M; Li L; Li S.W; Li T; Li Y; Liao H; Lin C.S; Lin Q; Lin S; Ling J; Lister A; Littlejohn B.R; Liu J; Lockwitz S; Loew T; Lokajicek M; Lomidze I; Long K; Loo K; Lord T; LoSecco J.M; Louis W.C; Lu X.-G; Luk K.B; Luo X; Luppi E; Lurkin N; Lux T; Luzio V.P; MacFarlane D; Machado A.A; Machado P; Macias C.T; Macier J.R; Maddalena A; Madera A; Madigan P; Magill S; Mahn K; Maio A; Major A; Maloney J.A; Mandrioli G; Mandujano R.C; Maneira J; Manenti L; Manly S; Mann A; Manolopoulos K; Manrique Plata M; Manyam V.N; Manzanillas L; Marchan M; Marchionni A; Marciano W; Marfatia D; Mariani C; Maricic J; Marie R; Marinho F; Marino A.D; Marsden D; Marshak M; Marshall C.M; Marshall J; Marteau J; Martin-Albo J; Martinez N; Martinez Caicedo D.A; Martynenko S; Mascagna V; Mason K; Mastbaum A; Masud M; Matichard F; Matsuno S; Matthews J; Mauger C; Mauri N; Mavrokoridis K; Mawby I; Mazza R; Mazzacane A; Mazzucato E; McAskill T; McCluskey E; McConkey N; McFarland K.S; McGrew C; McNab A; Mefodiev A; Mehta P; Melas P; Mena O; Menary S; Mendez H; Mendez P; Menegolli A; Meng G; Messier M.D; Metcalf W; Mettler T; Mewes M; Meyer H; Miao T; Michna G; Miedema T; Mikola V; Milincic R; Miller G; Miller W; Mills J; Milne C; Mineev O; Miranda O.G; Miryala S; Mishra C.S; Mishra S.R; Mislivec A; Mladenov D; Mocioiu I; Moffat K; Moggi N; Mohanta R; Mohayai T.A; Mokhov N; Molina J; Molina Bueno L; Montagna E; Montanari A; Montanari C; Montanari D; Montano Zetina L.M; Moon J; Moon S.H; Mooney M; Moor A.F; Moreno D; Morris C; Mossey C; Motuk E; Moura C.A; Mousseau J; Mouster G; Mu W; Mualem L; Mueller J; Muether M; Mufson S; Muheim F; Muir A; Mulhearn M; Munford D; Muramatsu H; Murphy S; Musser J; Nachtman J; Nagu S; Nalbandyan M; Nandakumar R; Naples D; Narita S; Nath A; Navas-Nicolás D; Navrer-Agasson A; Nayak N; Nebot-Guinot M; Negishi K; Nelson J.K; Nesbit J; Nessi M; Newbold D; Newcomer M; Newhart D; Newton H; Nichol R; Nicolas-Arnaldos F; Niner E; Nishimura K; Norman A; Norrick A; Northrop R; Novella P; Nowak J.A; Oberling M; Ochoa-Ricoux J.P; Del Campo A.O; Olivier A; Olshevskiy A; Onel Y; Onishchuk Y; Ott J; Pagani L; Pakvasa S; Palacio G; Palamara O; Palestini S; Paley J.M; Pallavicini M; Palomares C; Palomino-Gallo J.L; Panduro Vazquez W; Pantic E; Paolone V; Papadimitriou V; Papaleo R; Papanestis A; Paramesvaran S; Parke S; Parozzi E; Parsa Z; Parvu M; Pascoli S; Pasqualini L; Pasternak J; Pater J; Patrick C; Patrizii L; Patterson R.B; Patton S.J; Patzak T; Paudel A; Paulos B; Paulucci L; Pavlovic Z; Pawloski G; Payne D; Pec V; Peeters S.J.M; Pennacchio E; Penzo A; Peres O.L.G; Perry J; Pershey D; Pessina G; Petrillo G; Petta C; Petti R; Pia V; Piastra F; Pickering L; Pietropaolo F; Plunkett R; Poling R; Pons X; Poonthottathil N; Poppi F; Pordes S; Porter J; Potekhin M; Potenza R; Potukuchi B.V.K.S; Pozimski J; Pozzato M; Prakash S; Prakash T; Prest M; Prince S; Psihas F; Pugnere D; Qian X; Queiroga Bazetto M.C; Raaf J.L; Radeka V; Rademacker J; Radics B; Rafique A; Raguzin E; Rai M; Rajaoalisoa M; Rakhno I; Rakotonandrasana A; Rakotondravohitra L; Ramachers Y.A; Rameika R; Ramirez Delgado M.A; Ramson B; Rappoldi A; Raselli G; Ratoff P; Raut S; Razakamiandra R.F; Rea E; Real J.S; Rebel B; Reggiani-Guzzo M; Rehak T; Reichenbacher J; Reitzner S.D; Rejeb Sfar H; Renshaw A; Rescia S; Resnati F; Reynolds A; Ribas M; Riboldi S; Riccio C; Riccobene G; Rice L.C.J; Ricol J; Rigamonti A; Rigaut Y; Rivera D; Robert A; Rochester L; Roda M; Rodrigues P; Rodriguez Alonso M.J; Rodriguez Bonilla E; Rodriguez Rondon J; Rosauro-Alcaraz S; Rosenberg M; Rosier P; Roskovec B; Rossella M; Rossi M; Rott C; Rout J; Roy P; Roy S; Rubbia A; Rubbia C; Rubio F.C; Russell B; Ruterbories D; Rybnikov A; Saa-Hernandez A; Saakyan R; Sacerdoti S; Safford T; Sahu N; Sala P; Samios N; Samoylov O; Sanchez M.C; Sandberg V; Sanders D.A; Sankey D; Santana S; Santos-Maldonado M; Saoulidou N; Sapienza P; Sarasty C; Sarcevic I; Savage G; Savinov V; Scaramelli A; Scarff A; Scarpelli A; Schaffer T; Schellman H; Schifano S; Schlabach P; Schmitz D; Scholberg K; Schukraft A; Segreto E; Selyunin A; Senise C.R; Sensenig J; Seoane M; Seong I; Sergi A; Sgalaberna D; Shaevitz M.H; Shafaq S; Shamma M; Sharankova R; Sharma H.R; Sharma R; Kumar R; Shaw T; Shepherd-Themistocleous C; Sheshukov A; Shin S; Shoemaker I; Shooltz D; Shrock R; Siegel H; Simard L; Simon F; Sinclair J; Sinev G; Singh J; Singh J; Singh L; Singh V; Sipos R; Sippach F.W; Sirri G; Sitraka A; Siyeon K; Skarpaas K; Smith A; Smith E; Smith P; Smolik J; Smy M; Snider E.L; Snopok P; Snowden-Ifft D; Soares Nunes M; Sobel H; Soderberg M; Sokolov S; Solano Salinas C.J; Söldner-Rembold S; Soleti S.R; Solomey N; Solovov V; Sondheim W.E; Sorel M; Sotnikov A; Soto-Oton J; Sousa A; Soustruznik K; Spagliardi F; Spanu M; Spitz J; Spooner N.J.C; Spurgeon K; Staley R; Stancari M; Stanco L; Stanley R; Stein R; Steiner H.M; Steklain Lisbôa A.F; Stewart J; Stillwell B; Stock J; Stocker F; Stokes T; Strait M; Strauss T; Striganov S; Stuart A; Suarez J.G; Sullivan H; Summers D; Surdo A; Susic V; Suter L; Sutera C.M; Svoboda R; Szczerbinska B; Szelc A.M; Tanaka H.A; Tapia Oregui B; Tapper A; Tariq S; Tatar E; Tayloe R; Teklu A.M; Tenti M; Terao K; Ternes C.A; Terranova F; Testera G; Thakore T; Thea A; Thompson J.L; Thorn C; Timm S.C; Tishchenko V; Todd J; Tomassetti L; Tonazzo A; Torbunov D; Torti M; Tortola M; Tortorici F; Tosi N; Totani D; Toups M; Touramanis C; Travaglini R; Trevor J; Trilov S; Tripathi A; Trzaska W.H; Tsai Y; Tsai Y.-T; Tsamalaidze Z; Tsang K.V; Tsverava N; Tufanli S; Tull C; Tyley E; Tzanov M; Uboldi L; Uchida M.A; Urheim J; Usher T; Uzunyan S; Vagins M.R; Vahle P; Valdiviesso G.A; Valencia E; Vallari Z; Vallazza E; Valle J.W.F; Vallecorsa S; van Berg R; van de Water R.G; Varanini F; Vargas D; Varner G; Vasel J; Vasina S; Vasseur G; Vaughan N; Vaziri K; Ventura S; Verdugo A; Vergani S; Vermeulen M.A; Verzocchi M; Vicenzi M; Vieira de Souza H; Vignoli C; Vilela C; Viren B; Vrba T; Wachala T; Waldron A.V; Wallbank M; Wallis C; Wang H; Wang J; Wang L; Wang M.H.L.S; Wang Y; Wang Y; Warburton K; Warner D; Wascko M.O; Waters D; Watson A; Weatherly P; Weber A; Weber M; Wei H; Weinstein A; Wenman D; Wetstein M; White A; Whitehead L.H; Whittington D; Wilking M.J; Wilkinson C; Williams Z; Wilson F; Wilson R.J; Wisniewski W; Wolcott J; Wongjirad T; Wood A; Wood K; Worcester E; Worcester M; Wret C; Wu W; Wu W; Xiao Y; Xie F; Yandel E; Yang G; Yang K; Yang S; Yang T; Yankelevich A; Yershov N; Yonehara K; Young T; Yu B; Yu H; Yu H; Yu J; Yuan W; Zaki R; Zalesak J; Zambelli L; Zamorano B; Zani A; Zazueta L; Zeller G.P; Zennamo J; Zeug K; Zhang C; Zhao M; Zhivun E; Zhu G; Zilberman P; Zimmerman E.D; Zito M; Zucchelli S; Zuklin J; Zutshi V; Zwaska R; The DUNE collaboration (Ciencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)