Incidence of RS(255,239) coding in the performance of the EPON system

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Imbachi J.C.
Soto A.M.C.
Palacio M.G.
Cardenas D.S.C.
Gomez D.M.
Luna M.
Villegas S.
Arredondo C.A.
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This paper presents the analysis by simulation of the incidence of the RS error correction technique in the performance of an EPON point-to-point link. The RS technique is based on the Euclidean algorithm and is modified by including the solution system of linear equations Gauss Jordan in the determination of the error value. Mathematical processes are performed in the field of finite number. The measurements show that the RS(255.239) coding scheme gives the EPON system a coding gain of 0.98 dB. © 2018 AISTI.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]