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dc.creatorOscar Hernán López
dc.creatorGladis Cecilia Villegas
dc.creatorJulián Ricardo Rodríguez
dc.descriptionThis article is the result of the theoretical foundation of an ambitious research project. In the first phase, predictors of innovation capacity were found through a systematic literature review (RSL) The second phase created a bridge to transport the singularities of innovation capabilities to the health care organizations; from the review some models were extracted for this identification. From these we included approaches, predictors, and contributions, supported by modulating questions. As a result, we found: 1) A set of predictors that allow to develop the innovation capabilities in the health care organizations; 2) that the levels for the development of such capacities are associated with the organization, the collaborator and the environment; and 3) the main contributions made by each of the contextualized models. We developed a holistic model that serves as input for the development of innovation capacities in this sector. © 2017 Academia Nacional de Medicina. All rights
dc.publisherAcademia Nacional de Medicinaspa
dc.subjectHealth Care Organizationsspa
dc.subjectInnovation Capabilitiesspa
dc.titleCapacidades de innovación en el contexto de las organizaciones de salud y desarrollo de un modelo teóricospa
dc.publisher.programAdministración de Empresas;Negocios Internacionalesspa
dc.contributor.affiliationOscar Hernán López, M., Universidad Del Tolima;Gladis Cecilia Villegas, A., Universidad de Medellín;Julián Ricardo Rodríguez, S., Universidad Cooperativaspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativasspa
dc.relation.ispartofesGaceta Medica de Caracasspa
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