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dc.descriptionRain induced landslides are common problem one on the slopes in the tropics and for it evaluation, is necessary the characterization of hydraulic properties of soils. In this paper are presented the results of field and laboratory trials for measuring the hydraulic capacity of soils from east of the city of Medellin. These consisted in infiltration tests double ring for each geological formation of interest and suction tests with filter paper in the laboratory to estimate the retention curve. Soils found correspond to slope deposits kind of sludge flow and/or debris and residual soils of the formation Dunita from Medellin. Additionally, retention curves were developed and adjustment of these data to theoretical curves presented in the literature was evaluated, obtaining the best fit with van Genuchten. © 2016 International Society for Rock Mechanics. All rights
dc.publisher2nd International Specialized Conference on Soft Rocks, ICSR 2016spa
dc.subjectGeological formationspa
dc.subjectHydraulic capacityspa
dc.subjectHydraulic propertiesspa
dc.subjectInfiltration testsspa
dc.subjectIT evaluationspa
dc.subjectResidual soilspa
dc.subjectRetention curvespa
dc.subjectSlope depositspa
dc.subjectSoil testingspa
dc.titleHydraulic properties of the soils of some formations from east of Medellin [Propiedades hidráulicas de los suelos de algunas formaciones de la zona oriental de Medellín]spa
dc.typeConference Papereng
dc.publisher.programIngeniería Civilspa
dc.contributor.affiliationParra, M., Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Universidad de Medellín;Hidalgo, C., Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Universidad de Medellínspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ingenieríasspa
dc.relation.ispartofes2nd International Specialized Conference on Soft Rocks - an ISRM Specialised Conference, ICSR 2016spa
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