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dc.creatorPeña A.
dc.creatorBonet I.
dc.creatorLochmuller C.
dc.creatorTabares M.S.
dc.creatorPiedrahita C.C.
dc.creatorSánchez C.C.
dc.creatorGiraldo Marín L.M.
dc.creatorGóngora M.
dc.creatorChiclana F.
dc.descriptionAdvances in technology and an increase in the amount and complexity of data that are generated in healthcare have led to an indispensable revolution in this sector related to big data. Analytics of information based on multimodal clinical data sources requires big data projects. When starting big data projects in the healthcare sector, it is often necessary to assess the maturity of an organization with respect to big data, i.e., its capacity in managing big data. The assessment of the maturity of an organization requires multicriteria decision making as there is no single criterion or dimension that defines the maturity level regarding big data but an entire set of them. Based on the ISO 15504, this article proposes a fuzzy ELECTRE structure methodology to assess the maturity level of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the healthcare sector. The obtained experimental results provide evidence that this methodology helps to determine and compare maturity levels in big data management of organizations or the evolution of maturity over time. This is also useful in terms of diagnosing the readiness of an organization before starting to implement big data initiatives or technologies. © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
dc.publisherSpringer Verlag
dc.sourceSoft Computing
dc.subjectBig data
dc.subjectELECTRE method
dc.subjectFuzzy methods
dc.subjectMaturity level
dc.subjectDecision making
dc.subjectHealth care
dc.subjectInformation management
dc.subjectClinical data
dc.subjectElectre methods
dc.subjectFuzzy methods
dc.subjectHealthcare sectors
dc.subjectMaturity levels
dc.subjectMulti criteria decision making
dc.subjectSmall and medium sized enterprise
dc.subjectBig data
dc.titleA fuzzy ELECTRE structure methodology to assess big data maturity in healthcare SMEs
dc.publisher.programIngeniería de Sistemas
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Básicas;Facultad de Ingenierías
dc.affiliationPeña, A., University EIA, Envigado, Colombia; Bonet, I., University EIA, Envigado, Colombia; Lochmuller, C., University EIA, Envigado, Colombia; Tabares, M.S., Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia; Piedrahita, C.C., Universidad de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia; Sánchez, C.C., Universidad de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia; Giraldo Marín, L.M., Universidad de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia; Góngora, M., Institute of Artificial Intelligence, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom; Chiclana, F., Institute of Artificial Intelligence, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
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