Spacegoat, sacrificial exchange, violence and corporality [Chivo expiatorio, intercambio sacrificial, violencia y corporalidad] [Bouc émissaire, substitution sacrificielle, violence et corporalité] [Bode expiatório, troca sacrificial, violência e corporalidade]

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Rodas H.C.
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This article develops a reflection on the relationship among between cult, celebration, and sacrificial substitution in the foundation of human time-space. For this purpose, the author resorts to D. H. Lawrence´s novel The Plumed Serpent, where a bullfight is depicted. For reading this fragment of the novel, the argument articulating the text has as an finds expository support in René Girad´s concept of the scapegoat, the concept of fetishism developed by Auguste Comte, and Michel Serres´ analysis on the of sacrificial exchange which supports the whole totality of human social practice. © 2020 Editora Mundos Sociais. All rights reserved.
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