What has happened to the principles of Universality, Solidarity and Efficiency of the General System of Social Security in Health of Colombia? [¿qué ha pasado con los principios de Universalidad, Solidaridad y Eficiencia del Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud de Colombia?]

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Mendieta D.
Elena C.
Show full item recordAbstract
The Constitution of Colombia in its article 48 establishes that the guiding principles of the right to Social Security are universality, solidarity and efÂficiency. In 1993 the current General System of Social Security in Health was created through law 100. What has happened to these principles during these 25 years? With a descriptive-analytical methodology it was concluded that we have achieved universality and solidarity, but we have an inefficient system. © 2020 Centro Universitario de Brasilia. All rights reserved.
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