Demolition and construction waste characterization for potential reuse identification [Caracterización de residuos de demolición y construcción para la identificación de su potencial de reúso]

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Chica-Osorio L.M.
Beltrán-Montoya J.M.
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Construction and demolition waste (CDW) have become a constant problem due to its volume of production and the lack of space for its final disposal. Several management strategies have been proposed to solve this problem as the reduction in the source of generation or the reuse as raw material. Nonetheless, for many cases this process is not consistent because CDW nature and its properties are not considered as an important variable in the identification of its possible reutilization. For this paper, an example of the potential reuse identification with regards to construction and demolition waste of Medellin city is presented. For this purpose, the physical, mineralogical and energetic properties were determined, as well as the specific amount of production. The results showed that the greatest potential reuse for CDW is associated to excavation waste and block masonry. Furthermore, based on the latter, a reuse model consisting in a soil-cement plate with 95% CDW was established. © The author; licensee Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]