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dc.creatorÁngel J.E.R.
dc.creatorZapata D.C.
dc.descriptionThe two questions this paper deals with an approach to Nietzsche's texts. The first one is:how can be read the Nietzsche's sentence that there are no facts, only interpretations? And the second one is: what can be proposed instead of the subject to think personal identity? This approach is divided in four parts, each one answering a question and taking into account the conflict of interpretation and the ubiquity of language; the consequences of perspectivism for personal identity; the construction of identity as a half-way process between discovering and creating; and the aesthetical proposal of personal identity as an ethic option different to traditional morals. © 2018 Universidad de Murcia Servicio de Publicaciones. All rights reserved.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Murcia Servicio de Publicaciones
dc.sourceTonos Digital
dc.titlePerspectivism and identity: Literature, interpretation, and appropriation of personal identity [PERSPECTIVISMO E IDENTIDAD: LITERATURA, INTERPRETACIÓN Y APROPIACIÓN DE LA IDENTIDAD PERSONAL]
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanasspa
dc.affiliationÁngel, J.E.R.
dc.affiliationZapata, D.C., Universidad de Medellín, Colombia
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