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dc.contributor.authorFranco-Giraldo L
dc.contributor.authorGentilin M.
dc.descriptionThe generation of new knowledge derived from research in higher education institutions (HEIs) is a practice that bolsters the development and innovation capabilities of the social and productive sector, but there are some limitations regarding knowledge transfer or commercialisation. In this article, the key factors which positively affect new knowledge commercialisation (NKC) are analysed. Drawing on a number of interviews with directors of technology transfer offices (TTOs), a roadmap is established which highlights the following factors: the researcher’s entrepreneurial and academic profiles; networking; the role of TTOs, the research initiative; and the institutional system. This study makes an essential contribution to understanding how new knowledge should be commercialised, which factors are essential for the transfer of new knowledge to the social and productive sector, and which stakeholders other than HEIs must be involved in a successful commercialisation process. Copyright © 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.eng
dc.publisherInderscience Publishers
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Business Innovation and Research
dc.titleFactors affecting the commercialisation of new knowledge: A roadmap proposal
dc.publisher.programEspecialización en Alta Gerencia
dc.subject.keywordNew knowledgeeng
dc.subject.keywordSuccess factorseng
dc.subject.keywordTechnology transfereng
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
dc.affiliationFranco-Giraldo, L., Escuela de Administración, Universidad EAFIT, Carrera 49 N° 7 Sur-50, Medellín, Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Medellín, Carrera 87 N° 30-65, Medellín, Colombia
dc.affiliationGentilin, M., Escuela de Administración, Universidad EAFIT, Carrera 49 N° 7 Sur-50, Medellín, Colombia
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dc.identifier.instnameinstname:Universidad de Medellín

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