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dc.contributor.authorTobón S
dc.contributor.authorJuárez-Hernández L.G
dc.contributor.authorHerrera-Meza S.R
dc.contributor.authorNúñez C.
dc.descriptionThis study was intended to validate a rubric to assess pedagogical practices SOCME 10 in teachers who have recently gone into teaching service in Mexico based on socioformation. Its content validity was determined from a 21 expert evaluation. Highly satisfactory levels of suitability and understandability were obtained in each of the 10 pedagogical practices contained in the instrument (Aiken’s V > .80). Afterward, the rubric was administered to 532 Mexican teachers recently recruited for the public education service. Participants expressed high levels of suitability, understandability, and satisfaction concerning the instrument. According to the theoretical rationale, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses determined the single-factor nature of the instrument. The factor was identified as “mediation of problem-based training, collaboration, and inclusion.” Instrument reliability was Cronbach’s alpha (.86). It is concluded that SOCME 10 possesses high levels of content and construct validity, as well as reliability for the target population. ISSN: 1135-755X/© 2021 Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
dc.publisherColegio Oficial de Psicologos de Madrid
dc.sourcePsicologia Educativa
dc.titlePedagogical practices: Design and validation of SOCME-10 rubric in teachers who have recently entered basic education [Prácticas pedagógicas: Diseño y validación de la rúbrica SOCME-10 en profesores de reciente ingreso a la educación básica]
dc.subject.keywordPedagogical practiceseng
dc.subject.keywordSocioformative approacheng
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
dc.affiliationTobón, S., Centro Universitario CIFE, Cuernavaca, Mexico
dc.affiliationJuárez-Hernández, L.G., Centro Universitario CIFE, Cuernavaca, Mexico
dc.affiliationHerrera-Meza, S.R., Centro Universitario CIFE, Cuernavaca, Mexico
dc.affiliationNúñez, C., Universidad de Medellín, Colombia
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