Women's (In)Visibility and Representation in the Framework of the Colombian Armed Conflict: Analysis through Semana's News Coverage between 1995-2014 [La (in)visibilización y representación de la mujer en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano: Un análisis a través de estudio de la cobertura informativa de la revista Semana entre 1995-2014]

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Davila A.F.G
Rodriguez J.J
Botero N.E.
Show full item recordAbstract
This article addresses women's representation during the Colombian armed conflict by analyzing the coverage given by Colombia's longest-running news magazine Semana. The research work involved going through every number published by the magazine in its print edition between January 1995 and December 2014. In total, 873 numbers were studied, detecting 2,080 pieces of news regarding the Colombian armed conflict, all published in the Nation section. Each piece was systematically disaggregated to find out women's participation quantitatively and qualitatively, explore their representation within the news body, and determine the variety of roles with which they have been symbolized in Semana. The study applied the gender perspective in a cross-cutting manner to distinguish the social attributions, ideas, representations, and prescriptions constructed, taking as a reference sexual differentiation from agenda-setting analysis. In conclusion, the invisibility of women's social-political representation is based not only on the absence of news events or decision-making positions but also on what we have conceptualized as (in)visibility processes. Despite being actors of events, women remained irrelevant for society and media due to multiple strategies analyzed in the present work. © 2021 Universidad de La Sabana. All rights reserved.
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