Comparative Analysis of the Guarantee of Urban Rights in the Urban Agglomeration of Rionegro, Eastern Antioquia (2014-2018) [Análise comparativa da garantia de direitos urbanos na aglomeração urbana de Rionegro, no leste de Antioquia (2014-2018)] [Análisis comparado de la garantía de derechos urbanos en la aglomeración urbana de Rionegro, oriente de Antioquia (2014-2018)]
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Pamplona Sierra M.J
Piedrahita-Bustamante P.
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This article analyzes the strategies for guarantying urban rights, such as housing, public space, mobility, and metropolitan government, implemented by the municipalities that constitute the Rionegro Agglomeration—Rionegro, Marinilla, La Ceja, Guarne, and El Carmen de Viboral—in the eastern subregion of Antioquia through its development plans and territorial organization in force between 2014 and 2018. The latter is explored through a comparative method that allows verifying that in the face of an agglomeration phenomenon, municipalities are not cooperation and coordination that would enable guaranteeing citizens’ demands and rights beyond political-administrative limits mechanisms. © 2023 Forest Herbarium.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]