NGO websites in the context of engagement with their audiences: a tool for analyzing the quality of their web portals [Los sitios web de las ONG en el contexto del relacionamiento con sus públicos: herramienta de análisis de la calidad de sus portales web]

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Quiceno-Castañeda B.E
Quirós-Ramírez A.C.
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Data management is not something new in the field of communication and public relations. This article analyzed seven websites from an equal number of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Colombia, starting with the question: How can NGOs improve the management of their websites to positively impact their public engagement strategy? The overall objective analyzes the quality of NGO websites to establish the link between quality and engagement with specific audiences. The methodological design is qualitative and combines techniques such as literature review and content analysis through the design and implementation of a matrix that allowed the quality of these sites to be evaluated. While website quality can be analyzed from different perspectives, this study presents a design that allows for measurement from a strategic perspective, considering several studies published by experts in the field. The main conclusion of this study is that most of the analyzed websites received a regular rating, which negatively affects their relationship with their audiences. Ultimately, this study contributes to the strategic management of digital communication that NGOs must undertake. © 2024, CEU Ediciones. All rights reserved.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]