Scientometric analysis of research trends on suicidal risk in childhood and adolescence [Análise cienciométrica das tendências de pesquisa sobre o risco de suicídio na infância e adolescência] [Análisis cienciométrico sobre tendencias de investigación del riesgo suicida en la infancia y la adolescencia]

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Núñez C
Tabares A.S.G
Méndez J.H.M
Arbeláez A.C.M
Vélez I.C
Caballo V.E.
Show full item recordAbstract
The aim of this bibliometric paper was to analyze the scientific production on biopsychosocial risk factors leading to suicide in childhood and adolescence using graph theory. The Scopus (Elsevier) and Web of Science databases were consulted and the analysis was performed using bibliometrix, Sci2 tool and Gephi. A total of 2,058 records were found. The analysis of the records revealed a citation network of 2,905 records and four main clusters. The results showed a network structure of knowledge production behavior in four research trends: (1) psychiatric predictors of suicidal behavior in children and adolescents; (2) association between non-suicidal self-injurious behavior and suicidal behavior in adolescents; (3) relationship between child abuse and suicidal behavior; (4) use of antidepressants in childhood and adolescence and suicidal behavior. Finally, considerations for suicide prevention in the study population are raised. © 2024 Universidad Catolica del Uruguay. All rights reserved.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]