Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Un curso rápido de cálculo estocástico para aplicaciones a modelos económicos
The importance of the stochastic differential equations, and, in general of the stochastic calculus in economics, has not been properly emphasized in our academic communities. Unlike the applications to finance, the our ...
El crecimiento económico en el modelo de Solow y aplicaciones
“The differences in the levels of real income among countries are due to differences in the growth rate of their products throughout great periods of time”.Given these characteristics, one of the scholars’ main concerns ...
Crecimiento económico y medio ambiente: una revisión analítica de la hipótesis de la curva ambiental de Kuznets
The hipothesis of Kuznets’ Environmenal Curve explores the existingrelationship between the economical growth and the environmental quality, in an attempt to show that on the short run, the economical growth generates a ...
Desarrollo rural con base en la innovación de las formas organizativas de trabajo
When observing from academics means, the social crisis as much as economic of Colombia, mainly in their rural area, being affected the farmers, segment of population very deeply rooted less favored by theState, is necessary ...
Evolución de la teoría económica de las finanzas: una breve revisión
For all tose professionals interested in the field of finances, be theyeconomists or not, it is of the most importance to reach a detailed knowledge over the techniques ans instruments that can be used in order to evaluate ...