Apropiación y uso de tic para la negociación internacional: Comparación entre la ciudad de Medellín y Colombia [Apropiación y uso de tic para la negociación internacional: Comparación entre la ciudad de Medellín y Colombia]

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Cano J.A.
Baena J.J.
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This article presents a comparison between Medellin and Colombia regarding to the use and appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) for international negotiation processes. A field study is carried out in 182 companies of Medellin and 380 Colombian companies who perform international trading activities, finding similarities between Medellin and Colombia regarding the importance and frequency of ICT use, preferences in negotiations, activities facilitated by ICT, ICT mastery and motivations to acquire technologies. Differences identified are related to the improvement of relations, evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of ICT, and ICT training methods.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]