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dc.descriptionComo es bien sabido en el mundo se viene promocionando la globalización, desde los años 70 (Huntington, 1975), venía hablando de los grandes movimientos políticos y culturales de la Historia Universal por medio de las influencias recíprocas que ejercen entre sí las diversas civilizaciones (por contraposición a los enfrentamientos entre estados-nación o ideologías). Por su parte en 1973 en Londres nace el Comité de Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad (IASC), y en cuya constitución participaron organizaciones profesionales de Alemania, Australia, Canadá, USA, Francia, Holanda, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Japón y México; y producto de esta primera asociación de países en octubre de 1975 el IASC publicó la primera Norma Internacional de Contabilidad, denominada "Exposición de Políticas Contables", dando origen así a la globalización contable. Esta globalización de la contabilidad es un hecho cierto en todo el mundo y parte de la necesidad de tener unas reglas y unos principios contables claros y transparentes, que pudieran ser comprendidos por los diferentes usuarios de la información económica, financiera y contable, también pretende entre otras cosas facilitar la comparación de la información en los diferentes mercados internacionales para incrementar así la posibilidad de nuevos y mejores negocios entre los diversos entes económicos de los países enmarcados en estas nuevas
dc.description.abstractAs it is well known in the world it is promoting globalization, since the 1970 s (Huntington, 1975), he was talking about the great political and cultural movements of the Universal history by means of reciprocal influences exerted between the different civilizations (as opposed to the confrontations between nation-States and ideologies). Meanwhile in 1973 in London the Committee of international accounting standards (IASC) is born, and whose Constitution was attended by professional organizations of Germany, Australia, Canada, USA, France, Holland, England, Ireland, Japan and Mexico; and product of this first Association of countries in October 1975 the IASC issued the first international accounting standard, known as "Exposure of accounting policies", thus giving origin to the globalization of accounting. This globalization of it accounting is a made certain in all the world and part of it need of have some rules and ones principles accounting clear and transparent, that could be covered by them different users of it information economic, financial and accounting, also aims to between others things facilitate the comparison of the information in them different markets international for increase so it possibility of new and best business between them various entities economic of them countries framed in These new civilizations.eng
dc.publisherRevista Espaciosspa
dc.titleThe adoption of the IFRS/IFRS in Colombia more than a process accounting a theme of governance corporate [La adopción de las NIIF/IFRS en Colombia más que un proceso contable un tema de gobernabilidad corporativa]spa
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Medellin, Colombiaspa
dc.subject.keywordAccounting and economic entity; Civilizations; Globalization; International standards of financial reportingeng
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativasspa
dc.abstractAs it is well known in the world it is promoting globalization, since the 1970 s (Huntington, 1975), he was talking about the great political and cultural movements of the Universal history by means of reciprocal influences exerted between the different civilizations (as opposed to the confrontations between nation-States and ideologies). Meanwhile in 1973 in London the Committee of international accounting standards (IASC) is born, and whose Constitution was attended by professional organizations of Germany, Australia, Canada, USA, France, Holland, England, Ireland, Japan and Mexico; and product of this first Association of countries in October 1975 the IASC issued the first international accounting standard, known as "Exposure of accounting policies", thus giving origin to the globalization of accounting. This globalization of it accounting is a made certain in all the world and part of it need of have some rules and ones principles accounting clear and transparent, that could be covered by them different users of it information economic, financial and accounting, also aims to between others things facilitate the comparison of the information in them different markets international for increase so it possibility of new and best business between them various entities economic of them countries framed in These new civilizations.eng
dc.creator.affiliationCano, A.M.M., Universidad de Medellin, Colombiaspa
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