Opinión Jurídica Vol. 17, núm. 35 (2018): Edición especial posconflicto
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The Peace Agreement and its Legal Framework Against the Constitutional Substitution Test and International Humanitarian Law
Due to the beginning of peace negotiations between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP, the Congress of the Republic adopted a series of constitutional measures to guarantee the effectiveness and compliance ... -
Commemorating two years of the signing of the peace agreement between the Colombian State and the guerrilla FARC-EP
On November 24th, 2018 was the second anniversary of the signature of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC - EP guerrilla. Many things have happened during these two years. The Congress ... -
Submission Scenarios to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace for People Excluded from Ley de Justicia y Paz: Fields of Application Disquisition
The first transitional justice attempt in Colombia was the Ley the Justicia y Paz (Law of Justice andThe first transitional justice attempt in Colombia was the Ley the Justicia y Paz (Law of Justice and Peace Law, Law 975 ... -
Deliberation and Conflict in the Times of Peace Building: An Analysis of Popular Protests (2012-2015) in Colombia from a Democratic-Popular Constitutionalism Approach
The present paper proposes that, taking in account the popular protests that took place between 2012 and 2015 in Colombia, it is possible to make a reading about what citizens expect from the Peace Agreement ... -
Administrative Procedure and Post-Agreement: The Principle of Participation in the Formation of Administrative Decisions
This paper analyzes the role of the principle of participation in its dogmatic function in the procedure for the formation of administrative acts under the social rule of law. This, in order to claim its relevance ... -
Reference Framework to Reflect on the Peace Agreement Implementation from a Gender Equity Approach
This paper presents a reference framework to reflect on the implementation condition of the Final agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace (Peace Agreement) ... -
From War to Hope: Coping Strategies of the Members of the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia that Reintegrated to Society
This paper is a product of the exploratory study “Personal strategies in men and women, excombatants of the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia and the resignification of their life project”,carried out in the city of ... -
International Contributions of Transitional Justice Experiences for Colombia
This paper addresses transitional justice experiences in South America, Central America, Europe, Africa and Asia to identify applicable contributions to transitional justice in Colombia. With an exploratory, ... -
Transitional Justice and the Limits of What is (possibly) Punishable. Reflections on the Legitimacy of the Peace Process in Colombia
This study proposes that the Colombian peace process has ratified that transitional justice finds limits in human rights related to three aspects: a) amnesty or pardon measures for serious violations of human rights are ... -
Conventionality Standards for Children in Conflict Zones: Colombian Case study
The main objective of this paper is to identify the multilevel perspective of human rights protection for children in armed conflicts. For that, the pro persona or pro homine principle may be applied. It consists ... -
Feasibility, Implementation and Thematic Follow-up in Colombia of the Special Justice for Peace in the Face of the Transitional Justice Structure
This paper reviews the feasibility, implementation and thematic follow-up of the special justice for peace in opposition to transitional justice in Colombia. The disparity between both ways of conceiving the ... -
Special Jurisdiction for Peace vs. Ordinary Jurisdiction: Competence Issues
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the contradictions, gaps and ambiguities that converge in the justice system subject of the Peace Agreementsigned between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP. An ... -
Systemic Analysis of the Community and the Individual during the Paramilitaries’ Reintegration Process in Colombia (2003-2006)
Reintegration processes are as much a matter for the people who are going through them as for the society that is living such a conjuncture. After the analysis of the Ruta de Integración (Reintegration Route) ... -
Women Participation in Development with a Territorial Approach Programs: A Gender Perspective Study
This paper aims to analyze women’s participation in the Development with Territorial Approach Programs (PDET) from a gender perspective. The PDET were issued in Decree 893 of 2017 and originate in the first point ...