Complexity of an alternative to address “cursed problems”: The case of CSEC in Colombia [La complejidad una alternativa para abordar “problemas malditos”: El caso de la ESCNNA en Colombia]

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Vásquez Paniagua J.A.
Serna Ramírez J.A.
Palacios Calle L.M.
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The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (CSEC) is currently a problem that seems to overwhelm the capacities of the public administration, since it resists being studied through techno-rational solutions due to its great complexity. This article presents the results of a research carried out in Colombia with the objective of analyzing the relevance of complexity as a perspective for the study of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (CSEC). For this, the bio-ecological theory of human development of Bronfenbrenner and System Dynamics was used. In the investigation the information was obtained from various primary and secondary sources, among them: official organisms (Colombian State), Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), as well as studies on the problems at national and international level. The research is relevant because it allowed to show that from the dynamics of systems it is possible to represent the problem of CSEC from a perspective of complexity, which in turn facilitates the understanding of the dynamics that take place between the causative variables of this type of sexual exploitation in Colombia. © 2018, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]