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dc.creatorPérez E.O.
dc.creatorToro I.D.
dc.creatorYepez A.
dc.descriptionThe paper presents a conceptual breakthrough and an empirical measurement of the strategic innovation and absorption capacities in the context of one hundred twenty organizations of Colombia, also it shows that innovation is considered, despite the few resources devoted to strengthening it; as a key success factor for companies, the results point to that most companies do not have a formal plan in which are defined the objectives, actions to be carried out, resources and budget needed for the development of innovation activities.
dc.publisherRevista Espacios
dc.titleStrategic innovation and absorptive capacity in Colombian enterprises [La innovación estrategica y las capacidades de absorción en las empresas colombianas]
dc.publisher.programAdministración de Empresasspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativasspa
dc.affiliationPérez, E.O., PHD Docente Tiempo Completo Universidad de Medellín. Coordinador de la Maestria en Administración, Antioquia, Colombia
dc.affiliationToro, I.D., PHD Docente Tiempo Completo Universidad de Medellín. Coordinador de la Maestria en Administración, Antioquia, Colombia
dc.affiliationYepez, A., PHD Docente Tiempo Completo Universidad de Medellín. Coordinador de la Maestria en Administración, Antioquia, Colombia
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