Now showing items 1-10 of 70
Diseño de una metodología para la calidad de datos en los sistemas de información CRM manejados en el contact center de Emtelco S.A.
This investigation paper is focused on the importance of counting with consistent information as a fundamental asset for the decision making process and execution of strategies for attracting new clients, maintaining them ...
Actualización del manual comentado y concordado de derecho disciplinario-Ley 734 del 2002
This work contains the commented and agreed update of a manual of Disciplinary authority to December of 2005, which serves as instrument for the regulation of the relations between the State and the people who serve their ...
Modelo de formación de una memoria organizacional como elemento diferenciador para empresas de servicios en Colombia
With the globalization process and the great peak of the technology and in particular the technology of information, one comes presenting a phenomenon in the organizations which are understanding and giving great importance ...
Implementación de un modelo gerencial con valor agregado e innovación en la empresa constructora BRM Ingeniería Civil
All type of building and in general any construction with the passage of time by effect of the use and the action of the atmospheric agents, it will undergo deterioration and wearing down in all its components, finished ...
Las víctimas en el nuevo sistema acusatorio en Colombia
The topic exposed in this work of the list of the victims in the new accusatory system, shows like after a change of penal system in Colombia, the law looks for to give a new and different treatment to you kill them, inside ...