Mostrando ítems 441-460 de 4223

    • Are social media influencers effective? An analysis of information adoption by followers 

      Roldan-Gallego J.S; Sánchez-Torres J.A; Argila-Irurita A; Arroyo-Cañada F.-J. (Inderscience PublishersMercadeoFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2023)
    • Antibacterial evaluation of electroless Ni–P coating with ZnO nanoparticles on 3D printed ABS 

      Restrepo S; Duque M.P; Bello S; Tirado L.M; Echeverría F; Zuleta A.A; Castaño J.G; Correa E. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHIngeniería de MaterialesFacultad de Ingenierías, 2023)
    • Analytical model to measure the effectiveness of content marketing on Twitter: the case of governorates in Colombia 

      Guzmán Ordóñez A; Arroyo Cañada F.J; Lasso E; Sánchez-Torres J.A; Escobar-Sierra M. (Palgrave MacmillanMercadeoAdministración de EmpresasFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2023)
    • Advances of machine learning in IoT-cloud for healthcare 

      Hossain M.S; Bilbao J; Tobón D.P; Saddik A.E. (SpringerIngeniería de TelecomunicacionesFacultad de Ingenierías, 2023)
    • A Wavelet Analysis of the Dynamic Connectedness among Oil Prices, Green Bonds, and CO2 Emissions 

      Marín-Rodríguez N.J; González-Ruiz J.D; Botero S. (MDPIIngeniería FinancieraFacultad de Ingenierías, 2023)
    • An Overview of the Socio-Economic, Technological, and Environmental Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable Energy Generation from Residual Biomass: A Case Study of Biogas Production in Colombia 

      Rocha-Meneses L; Luna-delRisco M; González C.A; Moncada S.V; Moreno A; Sierra-Del Rio J; Castillo-Meza L.E. (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Ingeniería en EnergíaFacultad de Ingenierías, 2023)
    • An integral assessment of landslide dams generated by the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslide and debris flow hazard chain 

      Ortiz-Giraldo L; Botero B.A; Vega J. (Frontiers Media S.A.Ingeniería Ingeniería CivilFacultad de Ingenierías, 2023)
    • A unified approach based on multidimensional scaling for calibration estimation in survey sampling with qualitative auxiliary information 

      Vera J.F; Sánchez Zuleta C.C; Rueda M.D.M. (SAGE Publications LtdCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2023)

      Baena-Rojas J; Mackenzie-Torres T; Cuesta-Giraldo G; Tabares A. (Czestochowa University of TechnologyNegocios InternacionalesFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2023)
    • A Model to Measure U-Learning in Virtual Higher Education: U-CLX 

      Ramírez Villegas G.M; Collazos C.A; Díaz J. (MDPIIngeniería de SistemasFacultad de Ingenierías, 2023)
    • A Catalog of the Highest-energy Cosmic Rays Recorded during Phase I of Operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory 

      Abdul Halim A; Abreu P; Aglietta M; Allekotte I; Allison P; Almeida Cheminant K; Almela A; Alvarez-Muñiz J; Ammerman Yebra J; Anastasi G.A; Anchordoqui L; Andrada B; Andringa S; Aramo C; Araújo Ferreira P.R; Arnone E; Arteaga Velázquez J.C; Asorey H; Assis P; Ave M; Avila G; Avocone E; Badescu A.M; Bakalova A; Balaceanu A; Barbato F; Beatty J; Bellido J.A; Berat C; Bertaina M.E; Bertou X; Bhatta G; Biermann P.L; Billoir P; Binet V; Bismark K; Bister T; Biteau J; Blazek J; Bleve C; Blümer J; Boháčová M; Boncioli D; Bonifazi C; Bonneau Arbeletche L; Borodai N; Brack J; Bretz T; Brichetto Orchera P.G; Briechle F.L; Buchholz P; Bueno A; Buitink S; Buscemi M; Büsken M; Bwembya A; Caballero-Mora K.S; Caccianiga L; Caracas I; Caruso R; Castellina A; Catalani F; Cataldi G; Cazon L; Cerda M; Cester R; Chinellato J.A; Chirinos J; Chudoba J; Chytka L; Clay R.W; Cobos Cerutti A.C; Colalillo R; Coleman A; Coluccia M.R; Conceição R; Condorelli A; Consolati G; Contreras F; Convenga F; Correia dos Santos D; Covault C.E; Cristinziani M; Cruz Sanchez C.S; Dasso S; Daumiller K; Dawson B.R; de Almeida R.M; de Jesús J; de Jong S.J; de Mello Neto J.R.T; De Mitri I; de Oliveira J; de Oliveira Franco D; de Palma F; de Souza V; De Vito E; Del Popolo A; Deligny O; Deval L; di Matteo A; Dobre M; Dobrigkeit C; D’Olivo J.C; Domingues Mendes L.M; Dorofeev A; dos Anjos R.C; Ebr J; Eman M; Engel R; Epicoco I; Erdmann M; Etchegoyen A; Falcke H; Farmer J; Farrar G; Fauth A.C; Fazzini N; Feldbusch F; Fenu F; Fick B; Figueira J.M; Filipčič A; Fitoussi T; Flaggs B; Fodran T; Fujii T; Fuster A; Galea C; Galelli C; García B; Gemmeke H; Gesualdi F; Gherghel-Lascu A; Ghia P.L; Giaccari U; Giammarchi M; Glombitza J; Gobbi F; Gollan F; Golup G; Gómez Berisso M; Gómez Vitale P.F; Gongora J.P; González J.M; González N; Goos I; Góra D; Gorgi A; Gottowik M; Grubb T.D; Guarino F; Guedes G.P; Guido E; Hahn S; Hamal P; Hampel M.R; Hansen P; Harari D; Harton J; Harvey V.M; Haungs A; Hebbeker T; Heck D; Hojvat C; Hörandel J.R; Horvath P; Hrabovský M; Huege T; Insolia A; Isar P.G; Janecek P; Johnsen J.A; Jurysek J; Kääpä A; Kampert K.H; Keilhauer B; Khakurdikar A; Kizakke Covilakam V.V; Klages H.O; Kleifges M; Kleinfeller J; Knapp F; Knapp J; Kunka N; Lachaud C; Lago B.L; Langner N; Leigui de Oliveira M.A; Lenok V; Letessier-Selvon A; Lhenry-Yvon I; Lo Presti D; Lopes L; López R; Lu L; Luce Q; Lundquist J.P; Machado Payeras A; Mandat D; Manning B.C; Manshanden J; Mantsch P; Marafico S; Mariani F.M; Mariazzi A.G; Mariş I.C; Marsella G; Martello D; Martinelli S; Martínez Bravo O; Martins M.A; Mastrodicasa M; Mathes H.J; Matthews J; Matthiae G; Mayotte E; Mayotte S; Mazur P.O; Medina-Tanco G; Meinert J; Melo D; Menshikov A; Michal S; Micheletti M.I; Miramonti L; Mollerach S; Montanet F; Morejon L; Morello C; Müller A.L; Mulrey K; Mussa R; Muzio M; Namasaka W.M; Nasr-Esfahani A; Nellen L; Nicora G; Niculescu-Oglinzanu M; Niechciol M; Nitz D; Norwood I; Nosek D; Novotny V; Nožka L; Nucita A; Núñez L.A; Oliveira C; Palatka M; Pallotta J; Parente G; Parra A; Pawlowsky J; Pech M; Pȩkala J; Pelayo R; Pereira Martins E.E; Perez Armand J; Pérez Bertolli C; Perrone L; Petrera S; Petrucci C; Pierog T; Pimenta M; Platino M; Pont B; Pothast M; Pourmohammad Shavar M; Privitera P; Prouza M; Puyleart A; Querchfeld S; Rautenberg J; Ravignani D; Reininghaus M; Ridky J; Riehn F; Risse M; Rizi V; Rodrigues de Carvalho W; Rodriguez Rojo J; Roncoroni M.J; Rossoni S; Roth M; Roulet E; Rovero A.C; Ruehl P; Saftoiu A; Saharan M; Salamida F; Salazar H; Salina G; Sanabria Gomez J.D; Sánchez F; Santos E.M; Santos E; Sarazin F; Sarmento R; Sato R; Savina P; Schäfer C.M; Scherini V; Schieler H; Schimassek M; Schimp M; Schlüter F; Schmidt D; Scholten O; Schoorlemmer H; Schovánek P; Schröder F.G; Schulte J; Schulz T; Sciutto S.J; Scornavacche M; Segreto A; Sehgal S; Shivashankara S.U; Sigl G; Silli G; Sima O; Smau R; Šmída R; Sommers P; Soriano J.F; Squartini R; Stadelmaier M; Stanca D; Stanič S; Stasielak J; Stassi P; Straub M; Streich A; Suárez-Durán M; Sudholz T; Suomijärvi T; Supanitsky A.D; Szadkowski Z; Tapia A; Taricco C; Timmermans C; Tkachenko O; Tobiska P; Todero Peixoto C.J; Tomé B; Torrès Z; Travaini A; Travnicek P; Trimarelli C; Tueros M; Ulrich R; Unger M; Vaclavek L; Vacula M; Valdés Galicia J.F; Valore L; Varela E; Vásquez-Ramírez A; Veberič D; Ventura C; Vergara Quispe I.D; Verzi V; Vicha J; Villase nor Cendejas L.M; Vink J; Vorobiov S; Watanabe C; Watson A.A; Weindl A; Wiencke L; Wilczyński H; Wittkowski D; Wundheiler B; Younk P; Yushkov A; Zapparrata O; Zas E; Zavrtanik D; Zavrtanik M; The Pierre Auger Collaboration (Ciencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2023)
    • Vínculo y consumo del fandom con el Universo Cinematográfico Marvel. (Fase 3 y 4) 

      Vélez Ochoa, Claudia; Valencia Franco, Catalina (Universidad de MedellínFacultad de ComunicaciónMedellín, 2023-09-08)
      The pop culture of entertainment appeals to vast masses of individuals who can share in the same appreciation and enjoyment. Among them are fervent fans, united by a shared passion for a singular narrative. When they ...
    • Narrativas mediáticas sobre el campamento de migrantes El Chaparral en Tijuana, México 

      Del Monte Madrigal, Juan Antonio (Universidad de MedellínFacultad de ComunicaciónMedellín, 2023-09-08)
      The media actively participate in framing and codifying public discussion around the current emergency of migrant camps in border cities. The objective of this article is to analyze the construction of diverse narratives ...
    • Comunicación política, redes sociales y polarización en Twitter. Estudio de caso: “El Culiacanazo”, 2019 en México 

      Estrada Rodríguez, José Luis; Martínez de la Rosa, Georgina (Universidad de MedellínFacultad de ComunicaciónMedellín, 2023-08-01)
      The purpose of this article is to analyze the polarization produced in the social digital network Twitter in relation to the defense or attack of the figure of the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, during ...
    • Las herramientas tecnológicas para la comunicación de las emociones generadas por las artesanías indígenas 

      Allende-Hernández, Olivia; Morales-Becerra, Israel; Reyes-Espinoza, Celia (Universidad de MedellínFacultad de ComunicaciónMedellín, 2023-07-11)
      The main problem faced by indigenous craftswomen is the intermediation of their products and the lack of fair remuneration for their creations. In the Central Coastal Region of Oaxaca, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the ...
    • Mujer, vida cotidiana y sábado de Gloria en Jerez, Zacatecas 

      Vera Díaz, Olga Guadalupe; Martínez Aguilar, Lina Rocio; Pulido Cervantes, Blanca Gabriela (Universidad de MedellínFacultad de ComunicaciónMedellín, 2023-07-11)
      Every year in the Magical Town of Jerez, Zacatecas has been held since 1824 a festivity that brings together a large number of visitors. This event is the beginning of the celebrations of the Spring Fair which has been ...
    • Persuasión versus Intención de voto en la elección extraordinaria para gobernador de Puebla, México en junio del 2019 

      Espinosa Márquez, Araceli; Ríos Calleja, Carla Irene; León de la Rosa, Jesús Mario (Universidad de MedellínFacultad de ComunicaciónMedellín, 2023-07-11)
      This article seeks to analyze the voting intention and persuasion used in the campaigns of an emerging local election based on the death of the elected governor in the 2018 electoral process, the most violent of the last ...
    • Entre la actividad científica y la vida familiar: estudio de caso 

      Venteño-Jaramillo, María Guadalupe (Universidad de MedellínFacultad de ComunicaciónMedellín, 2023-07-11)
      Activities related to research in underdeveloped countries require not only knowledge but also effort, work and dedication. The objective of this research is to identify the areas in which the researchers work and the ...
    • El estudio del discurso en la formación profesional del Comunicador Social en Cuba: propuesta de núcleos de conocimiento 

      Bonne, Yamila Vázquez; Saladrigas Medina, Hilda María; Nápoles Fernández, Lourdes María (Universidad de MedellínFacultad de ComunicaciónMedellín, 2023-07-11)
      In the field of study of the Social Communication of the 21st century, the relevance of the inquiry about discursive practices becomes visible; while it manifests itself as a phenomenon of saying and doing. Hence the need ...