Now showing items 321-340 of 1632

    • The masks of perversity in three tales by Edgar Allan Poe. Theateralization of the moral monstrosity [Las mÁscaras de la perversidad en tres cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe. TeatralizaciÓn de la monstruosidad moral] 

      Franco C.M.M; Rodas H.C. (Universidad Catolica Luis AmigoComunicación y Relaciones CorporativasMaestría en educaciónMaestría en LiteraturaFacultad de ComunicaciónFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2021)
      This article analyzes three stories by Edgar Allan Poe (The Demon of Perversity, The Black Cat, and The Tell-Tale Heart). These stories have in common the theme of perversity towards the elucidation. We intend to advance ...
    • The relation between signs of garments and fashion marketing strategy, a literature review 

      Hernández-Gallego L.-F; Escobar-Sierra M. (Slovak University of Technology in BratislavaAdministración de EmpresasFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2021)
      Marketing practitioners misunderstand how consumers purchase and wear clothes. For academics, this lack of knowledge is a consequence of disregarding the symbolic aspect of garments and represents the main reason for the ...
    • The evaluation of electronic and documentary evidence in the civil sphere: Differences and implications [la valoración de la prueba electrónica y de la prueba documental en el ámbito civil: Diferencias e implicaciones] 

      Lugo Á.F.G; Rúa M.M.B. (Universidade de BrasiliaDerechoFacultad de Derecho, 2021)
      [Purpose] To analyze the process of evaluation of electronic evidence in the civil sphere in Colombian legislation, from the differential point of view of documentary evidence, taking in account the particular technical ...
    • The exacerbation of violence against women as a form of discrimination in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic 

      Valencia Londoño P.A; Nateras González M.E; Bruno Solera C; Paz P.S. (Elsevier LtdMaestría en conflicto y pazFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2021)
      The crisis provoked by COVID-19 has rapidly and profoundly affected Latin America. The impacts are seen not only in infection and mortality rates, but also in the economic decline and increased inequality that plague the ...
    • The energy spectrum of cosmic rays beyond the turn-down around 1017 eV as measured with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory 

      Abreu P; Aglietta M; Albury J.M; Allekotte I; Almela A; Alvarez-Muñiz J; Alves Batista R; Anastasi G.A; Anchordoqui L; Andrada B; Andringa S; Aramo C; Araújo Ferreira P.R; Arteaga Velázquez J.C; Asorey H; Assis P; Avila G; Badescu A.M; Bakalova A; Balaceanu A; Barbato F; Barreira Luz R.J; Becker K.H; Bellido J.A; Berat C; Bertaina M.E; Bertou X; Biermann P.L; Billoir P; Binet V; Bismark K; Bister T; Biteau J; Blazek J; Bleve C; Boháčová M; Boncioli D; Bonifazi C; Bonneau Arbeletche L; Borodai N; Botti A.M; Brack J; Bretz T; Brichetto Orchera P.G; Briechle F.L; Buchholz P; Bueno A; Buitink S; Buscemi M; Büsken M; Caballero-Mora K.S; Caccianiga L; Canfora F; Caracas I; Carceller J.M; Caruso R; Castellina A; Catalani F; Cataldi G; Cazon L; Cerda M; Chinellato J.A; Chudoba J; Chytka L; Clay R.W; Cobos Cerutti A.C; Colalillo R; Coleman A; Coluccia M.R; Conceição R; Condorelli A; Consolati G; Contreras F; Convenga F; Correia dos Santos D; Covault C.E; Dasso S; Daumiller K; Dawson B.R; Day J.A; de Almeida R.M; de Jesús J; de Jong S.J; De Mauro G; de Mello Neto J.R.T; De Mitri I; de Oliveira J; de Oliveira Franco D; de Palma F; de Souza V; De Vito E; del Río M; Deligny O; Di Matteo A; Dobrigkeit C; D’Olivo J.C; Domingues Mendes L.M; dos Anjos R.C; dos Santos D; Dova M.T; Ebr J; Engel R; Epicoco I; Erdmann M; Escobar C.O; Etchegoyen A; Falcke H; Farmer J; Farrar G; Fauth A.C; Fazzini N; Feldbusch F; Fenu F; Fick B; Figueira J.M; Filipčič A; Fitoussi T; Fodran T; Freire M.M; Fujii T; Fuster A; Galea C; Galelli C; García B; Garcia Vegas A.L; Gemmeke H; Gesualdi F; Gherghel-Lascu A; Ghia P.L; Giaccari U; Giammarchi M; Glombitza J; Gobbi F; Gollan F; Golup G; Gómez Berisso M; Gómez Vitale P.F; Gongora J.P; González J.M; González N; Goos I; Góra D; Gorgi A; Gottowik M; Grubb T.D; Guarino F; Guedes G.P; Guido E; Hahn S; Hamal P; Hampel M.R; Hansen P; Harari D; Harvey V.M; Haungs A; Hebbeker T; Heck D; Hill G.C; Hojvat C; Hörandel J.R; Horvath P; Hrabovský M; Huege T; Insolia A; Isar P.G; Janecek P; Johnsen J.A; Jurysek J; Kääpä A; Kampert K.H; Karastathis N; Keilhauer B; Kemp J; Khakurdikar A; Kizakke Covilakam V.V; Klages H.O; Kleifges M; Kleinfeller J; Köpke M; Kunka N; Lago B.L; Lang R.G; Langner N; Leigui de Oliveira M.A; Lenok V; Letessier-Selvon A; Lhenry-Yvon I; Lo Presti D; Lopes L; López R; Lu L; Luce Q; Lundquist J.P; Machado Payeras A; Mancarella G; Mandat D; Manning B.C; Manshanden J; Mantsch P; Marafico S; Mariazzi A.G; Mariş I.C; Marsella G; Martello D; Martinelli S; Martinez H; Martínez Bravo O; Mastrodicasa M; Mathes H.J; Matthews J; Matthiae G; Mayotte E; Mazur P.O; Medina-Tanco G; Melo D; Menshikov A; Merenda K.-D; Michal S; Micheletti M.I; Miramonti L; Mockler D; Mollerach S; Montanet F; Morello C; Mostafá M; Müller A.L; Muller M.A; Mulrey K; Mussa R; Muzio M; Namasaka W.M; Nasr-Esfahani A; Nellen L; Niculescu-Oglinzanu M; Niechciol M; Nitz D; Nosek D; Novotny V; Nožka L; Nucita A; Núñez L.A; Palatka M; Pallotta J; Papenbreer P; Parente G; Parra A; Pawlowsky J; Pech M; Pedreira F; Pȩkala J; Pelayo R; Peña-Rodriguez J; Pereira Martins E.E; Perez Armand J; Pérez Bertolli C; Perlin M; Perrone L; Petrera S; Pierog T; Pimenta M; Pirronello V; Platino M; Pont B; Pothast M; Privitera P; Prouza M; Puyleart A; Querchfeld S; Rautenberg J; Ravignani D; Reininghaus M; Ridky J; Riehn F; Risse M; Rizi V; Rodrigues de Carvalho W; Rodriguez Rojo J; Roncoroni M.J; Roth M; Roulet E; Rovero A.C; Ruehl P; Saffi S.J; Saftoiu A; Salamida F; Salazar H; Salina G; Sanabria Gomez J.D; Sánchez F; Santos E.M; Santos E; Sarazin F; Sarmento R; Sarmiento-Cano C; Sato R; Savina P; Schäfer C.M; Scherini V; Schieler H; Schimassek M; Schimp M; Schlüter F; Schmidt D; Scholten O; Schovánek P; Schröder F.G; Schröder S; Schulte J; Schulz A; Sciutto S.J; Scornavacche M; Segreto A; Sehgal S; Shellard R.C; Sigl G; Silli G; Sima O; Šmída R; Sommers P; Soriano J.F; Souchard J; Squartini R; Stadelmaier M; Stanca D; Stanič S; Stasielak J; Stassi P; Streich A; Suárez-Durán M; Sudholz T; Suomijärvi T; Supanitsky A.D; Szadkowski Z; Tapia A; Taricco C; Timmermans C; Tkachenko O; Tobiska P; Todero Peixoto C.J; Tomé B; Torrès Z; Travaini A; Travnicek P; Trimarelli C; Tueros M; Ulrich R; Unger M; Vaclavek L; Vacula M; Valdés Galicia J.F; Valore L; Varela E; Vásquez-Ramírez A; Veberič D; Ventura C; Vergara Quispe I.D; Verzi V; Vicha J; Vink J; Vorobiov S; Wahlberg H; Watanabe C; Watson A.A; Weber M; Weindl A; Wiencke L; Wilczyński H; Wirtz M; Wittkowski D; Wundheiler B; Yushkov A; Zapparrata O; Zas E; Zavrtanik D; Zavrtanik M; Zehrer L; Pierre Auger Collaboration (Ciencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
    • The adoption of E-commerce in SMEs: The colombian case 

      Sánchez-Torres J.A; Berrío S.P.R; Rendón P.A.O. (Telecommunications Association Inc.MercadeoFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2021)
      The few studies in South American developing countries that refer to the adoption of e-commerce in SMEs require knowledge of how this context is presented. The objective of this study addresses this need and seeks to ...
    • The allegory in "Tan triste como ella" by Juan Carlos Onetti [la alegoría en "tan triste como ella" de juan carlos onetti] 

      Sörstad F. (University Library System, University of PittsburghMaestría en educaciónMaestría en LiteraturaFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2021)
      [No abstract available]
    • Testing effects of Lorentz invariance violation in the propagation of astroparticles with the Pierre Auger Observatory 

      Abreu P; Aglietta M; Albury J.M; Allekotte I; Almeida cheminant K; Almela A; Alvarez-Muniz J; Alves batista R; Anastasi G.A; Anchordoqui L; Andrada B; Andringa S; Aramo C; Araújo ferreira P.R; Arnone E; Arteaga velázquez J.C; Asorey H; Assis P; Avila G; Badescu A.M; Bakalova A; Balaceanu A; Barbato F; Bellido J.A; Berat C; Bertaina M.E; Bertou X; Bhatta G; Biermann P.L; Binet V; Bismark K; Bister T; Biteau J; Blazek J; Bleve C; Blümer J; Boháčová M; Boncioli D; Bonifazi C; Bonneau arbeletche L; Borodai N; Botti A.M; Brack J; Bretz T; Brichetto orchera P.G; Briechle F.L; Buchholz P; Bueno A; Buitink S; Buscemi M; Büsken M; Caballero-Mora K.S; Caccianiga L; Canfora F; Caracas I; Caruso R; Castellina A; Catalani F; Cataldi G; Cazon L; Cerda M; Chinellato J.A; Chudoba J; Chytka L; Clay R.W; Cobos cerutti A.C; Colalillo R; Coleman A; Coluccia M.R; Concei o R; Condorelli A; Consolati G; Contreras F; Convenga F; Correia dos santos D; Covault C.E; Dasso S; Daumiller K; Dawson B.R; Day J.A; De almeida R.M; De jesús J; De jong S.J; De mello neto J.R.T; De mitri I; De oliveira J; De oliveira franco D; De palma F; De souza V; De vito E; Del popolo A; Del río M; Deligny O; Deval L; Di matteo A; Dobre M; Dobrigkeit C; D'olivo J.C; Domingues mendes L.M; Dos anjos R.C; Dova M.T; Ebr J; Engel R; Epicoco I; Erdmann M; Escobar C.O; Etchegoyen A; Falcke H; Farmer J; Farrar G; Fauth A.C; Fazzini N; Feldbusch F; Fenu F; Fick B; Figueira J.M; Filipčič A; Fitoussi T; Fodran T; Fujii T; Fuster A; Galea C; Galelli C; García B; Garcia vegas A.L; Gemmeke H; Gesualdi F; Gherghel-Lascu A; Ghia P.L; Giaccari U; Giammarchi M; Glombitza J; Gobbi F; Gollan F; Golup G; Gómez berisso M; Gómez vitale P.F; Gongora J.P; González J.M; González N; Goos I; Góra D; Gorgi A; Gottowik M; Grubb T.D; Guarino F; Guedes G.P; Guido E; Hahn S; Hamal P; Hampel M.R; Hansen P; Harari D; Harvey V.M; Haungs A; Hebbeker T; Heck D; Hill G.C; Hojvat C; Hörandel J.R; Horvath P; Hrabovský M; Huege T; Insolia A; Isar P.G; Janecek P; Johnsen J.A; Jurysek J; Kp A; Kampert K.H; Karastathis N; Keilhauer B; Khakurdikar A; Kizakke covilakam V.V; Klages H.O; Kleifges M; Kleinfeller J; Knapp F; Kunka N; Lago B.L; Lang R.G; Langner N; Leigui de oliveira M.A; Lenok V; Letessier-Selvon A; Lhenry-Yvon I; Lo presti D; Lopes L; López R; Lu L; Luce Q; Lundquist J.P; Machado payeras A; Mancarella G; Mandat D; Manning B.C; Manshanden J; Mantsch P; Marafico S; Mariani F.M; Mariazzi A.G; Mariş I.C; Marsella G; Martello D; Martinelli S; Martínez bravo O; Mastrodicasa M; Mathes H.J; Matthews J; Matthiae G; Mayotte E; Mayotte S; Mazur P.O; Medina-Tanco G; Melo D; Menshikov A; Michal S; Micheletti M.I; Miramonti L; Mollerach S; Montanet F; Morejon L; Morello C; Mostafá M; Müller A.L; Muller M.A; Mulrey K; Mussa R; Muzio M; Namasaka W.M; Nasr-Esfahani A; Nellen L; Nicora G; Niculescu-Oglinzanu M; Niechciol M; Nitz D; Nosek D; Novotny V; Nožka L; Nucita A; Núnez L.A; Oliveira C; Palatka M; Pallotta J; Papenbreer P; Parente G; Parra A; Pawlowsky J; Pech M; Pkala J; Pelayo R; Pena-Rodriguez J; Pereira martins E.E; Perez armand J; Pérez bertolli C; Perlin M; Perrone L; Petrera S; Petrucci C; Pierog T; Pimenta M; Pirronello V; Platino M; Pont B; Pothast M; Privitera P; Prouza M; Puyleart A; Querchfeld S; Rautenberg J; Ravignani D; Reininghaus M; Ridky J; Riehn F; Risse M; Rizi V; Rodrigues de carvalho W; Rodriguez rojo J; Roncoroni M.J; Rossoni S; Roth M; Roulet E; Rovero A.C; Ruehl P; Saftoiu A; Saharan M; Salamida F; Salazar H; Salina G; Sanabria gomez J.D; Sánchez F; Santos E.M; Santos E; Sarazin F; Sarmento R; Sarmiento-Cano C; Sato R; Savina P; Sch fer C.M; Scherini V; Schieler H; Schimassek M; Schimp M; Schlüter F; Schmidt D; Scholten O; Schoorlemmer H; Schovánek P; Schröder F.G; Schulte J; Schulz T; Sciutto S.J; Scornavacche M; Segreto A; Sehgal S; Shellard R.C; Sigl G; Silli G; Sima O; Smau R; Šmída R; Sommers P; Soriano J.F; Squartini R; Stadelmaier M; Stanca D; Stanič S; Stasielak J; Stassi P; Streich A; Suárez-Durán M; Sudholz T; Suomij rvi T; Supanitsky A.D; Szadkowski Z; Tapia A; Taricco C; Timmermans C; Tkachenko O; Tobiska P; Todero peixoto C.J; Tomé B; Torr s Z; Travaini A; Travnicek P; Trimarelli C; Tueros M; Ulrich R; Unger M; Vaclavek L; Vacula M; Valdés galicia J.F; Valore L; Varela E; Vásquez-Ramírez A; Veberič D; Ventura C; Vergara quispe I.D; Verzi V; Vicha J; Vink J; Vorobiov S; Wahlberg H; Watanabe C; Watson A.A; Weindl A; Wiencke L; Wilczyński H; Wittkowski D; Wundheiler B; Yushkov A; Zapparrata O; Zas E; Zavrtanik D; Zavrtanik M; Zehrer L. (Ciencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2022)
    • The effects of fibrotic cell type and its density on atrial fibrillation dynamics: An in silico study 

      Palacio L.C; Ugarte J.P; Saiz J; Tobón C. (MDPICiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      Remodeling in atrial fibrillation (AF) underlines the electrical and structural changes in the atria, where fibrosis is a hallmark of arrhythmogenic structural alterations. Fibrosis is an important feature of the AF substrate ...
    • The (re)presentation of journalist on Twitter: Keys to the construction of professional digital identity [La (re)presentación del periodista en Twitter: Claves para la construcción de la identidad digital profesional] 

      Pérez-Díaz P.-L; Planes Pedreño J.A. (Universidad Compultense MadridComunicación y Lenguajes AudiovisualesFacultad de Comunicación, 2021)
      This research examines the self-presentation performed by journalism professionals on their Twitter profiles. Based on the dramaturgical approach to social interaction proposed by Erving Goffman (1971), we designed a content ...
    • Structure-based design and construction of a synthetic phage display nanobody library 

      Moreno E; Valdés-Tresanco M.S; Molina-Zapata A; Sánchez-Ramos O. (BioMed Central LtdCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2022)
      Objective: To design and construct a new synthetic nanobody library using a structure-based approach that seeks to maintain high protein stability and increase the number of functional variants within the combinatorial ...
    • Study of the evidence at special jurisdiction for peace from the evidence due process [Estudio de la prueba en la jurisdicción especial para la paz (JEP) desde el debido proceso probatorio] 

      Vélez D.P; Rúa M.M.B; Garzón L.O.T; Tapiero J.I.M. (Centro Estudios Derecho PenalDerechoFacultad de Derecho, 2021)
      This article presents a study of the evidence at Special Jurisdiction for Peace, regulated by laws 1922 of 2018 and 1957 of 2019. For this purpose, it starts from an analysis of the content of the evidence due process. ...
    • Sustainable Innovation: Concepts and Challenges for Tourism Organizations 

      Esquivel M.H; Vargas Martínez E.E; Cruz A.D; Montes Hincapié J.M. (University of PrimorskaAdministración de EmpresasFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2021)
      Tourism companies are looking for new management strategies for helping to preserve their environment and generate positive effects in their social space. Sustainable innovation (si) is the possibility that organizations ...
    • Surveillance capitalism and the threat to the fundamental rights of privacy and freedom of expression [Capitalismo de vigilância e a ameaça aos direitos fundamentais da privacidade e da liberdade de expressão] 

      Sampaio J.A.L; Mendieta D; Furbino M; Bocchino L.A. (Centro Universitario Curitiba - UNICURITIBADerechoFacultad de Derecho, 2021)
      Objective: Surveillance capitalism is analyzed, under the perspective of Shoshana Zuboff, its relationship with the culture of surveillance and the consequences of this new economic policy for fundamental rights-privacy ...
    • Tailored Parameterization of the LIE Method for Calculating the Binding Free Energy of Vps34-Inhibitor Complexes 

      Valdés-Tresanco M.S; Valdés-Tresanco M.E; Rubio-Carrasquilla M; Valiente P.A; Moreno E. (American Chemical SocietyCiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      Vps34 is the only isoform of the PI3K family in fungi, making this protein an attractive target to develop new treatments against pathogenic fungi. The high structural similarity between the active sites of the human and ...
    • Structural attributes estimation in a natural tropical forest fragment using very high-resolution imagery from unmanned aircraft systems [Estimación de atributos estructurales en un fragmento de bosque tropical natural utilizando imágenes de muy alta resolución obtenidas con sistemas aéreos no tripulados] 

      Vega J; Palomino-ángel S; Anaya J. (Universidad Nacional de ColombiaIngeniería AmbientalIngeniería CivilFacultad de Ingenierías, 2022)
      Structural attributes are fundamental biophysical parameters of forests, useful for environmental monitoring and plan-ning. Canopy height (CH) is an important input for estimating several biophysical parameters such as ...
    • Stabilising rural roads with waste streams in colombia as an environmental strategy based on a life cycle assessment methodology 

      Balaguera A; Alberti J; Carvajal G.I; Fullana-I-palmer P. (MDPI AGIngeniería CivilFacultad de Ingenierías, 2021)
      Roads with low traffic volume link rural settlements together and connect them with urban centres, mobilising goods and agricultural products, and facilitating the transportation of people. In Colombia, most of these roads ...
    • Statistics applied in the classification and prediction of depression: A systematic review [Machine learning aplicado en la clasificación y predicción de la depresión: Una revisión sistemática] 

      Castrillon S.O; Marín L.M.G; Villegas H.H.J; Escobar C.C.P. (Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de InformacaoIngeniería de SistemasCiencias BásicasFacultad de IngenieríasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2022)
      The main challenge for health insurers is to properly manage the disease as well as the health of its members, emphasizing the prevention and implementation of actions that allow the anticipation and prediction of the ...
    • Structural Insights into the Design of Synthetic Nanobody Libraries 

      Valdés-Tresanco M.S; Molina-Zapata A; Pose A.G; Moreno E. (MDPICiencias BásicasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2022)
      Single domain antibodies from camelids, or nanobodies, are a unique class of antibody fragments with several advantageous characteristics: small monomeric size, high stability and solubility and easy tailoring for multiple ...
    • Statistics applied to the prediction of mental illness: A systematic review [Estadística aplicada a la predicción de enfermedades mentales: Una revisión sistemática] 

      Castrillon S.O; Marín L.M.G; Villegas H.H.J; Escobar C.C.P. (Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de InformacaoIngeniería de SistemasCiencias BásicasFacultad de IngenieríasFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2021)
      The main challenge for health insurers is to move from reactive to proactive management of their clients, that is, prioritize prevention and implementation of actions that favor health in its physical, mental, and social ...