Factors influencing citizens’ adoption of e-government: an empirical validation in a Developing Latin American Country

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Ramirez-Madrid J.P
Escobar-Sierra M
Lans-Vargas I
Montes Hincapie J.M.
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This study identifies the factors influencing citizens’ adoption of e-government in a distrustful region–where service complexity to prevent fraud and corruption is accepted–and bridges the gap in the relevant body of literature. We selected the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, extended with trust factors, using data from 362 respondents, to study an e-government service, in Colombia, a developing country. Trust was the primary influencing factor, followed by cost-benefit expectancy and facilitating conditions. While government support did not influence behavioural intention, the latter remained a strong predictor of use, even though facilitating conditions had no influence. © 2022 Quipux SAS.
- Indexados Scopus [1893]