Now showing items 1-10 of 118
Expectativas sociales, económicas y de seguridad de dos excombatientes de las FARC-EP ante la interrupción del ETCR de Vidrí - Río Arquía
The Colombian peace process between the State and the FARC-EP promises to end a social and armed conflict of more than half a century between these two actors. To date, said process has achieved the disarmament and ...
Estrategias de experiencia del servicio en Coopsana IPS
This research was conducted at COOPSANA IPS. The goal was to solve the following question: What strategies should Coopsana implement to generate in its staff a culture aligned to the user experience? For its development, ...
Guía metodológica comercial para las Micropyme del sector comercio de la ciudad de Medellín, como ventaja competitiva
The Micropyme in Colombia represent 90% of all companies and generate 60% of employment in Colombia, they even contribute 35% of PIB and approximately 50% of these are located in the commerce sector, however, many of these ...
El género musical pop como estrategia didáctica para mejorar la habilidad de escucha en inglés como lengua extranjera
Given the connection of music with language and the effectiveness of the use of songs for the development of Listening Skills, as well as the importance of Listening as a necessary communicative skill for performance in ...
Distribución multicompartimental y fraccionamiento químico del mercurio en pozas de sedimentación de minas de aluvión abandonadas en un área aurífera del departamento del Chocó
Mercury (Hg) is one of the most dangerous pollutants that threatens the health of aquatic ecosystems and human populations in many regions around the world. Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGMs) often releases Hg ...