Now showing items 1-10 of 686
"Describiendo estoy, comprendiendo voy" : una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de la competencia semántica desde la comprensión de lectura en secuencias textuales descriptivas multimodales
"The Semantic Competence, as a fundamental aspect in the development of communication skills, refers to the construction of meanings in the relationship between text and context. That is why such competence is configured ...
Análisis del pensamiento aleatorio desde las representaciones semióticas presentes en las pruebas saber grado quinto. Caso: Institución Educativa Escuela Normal Superior Amagá (I.E.E.N.S.A)
In this research the random thought based on the curriculum guidelines from the perspective of semiotic representations of Duval (2004) was addressed. The main objective was to analyze the current state of knowledge of ...
Caracterización del razonamiento algebraico elemental de estudiantes de primaria según niveles de algebrización
This work shows the end results of a research project conducted in the frame of a Mathematics Education masters’ program. The research addresses the correspondence between the algebraization levels proposed by Godino, Ake, ...
La efectividad de la “inversión social” en los sectores populares del municipio de Medellín, (2001-2011)
The written present contains the principal results obtained during the period 2001-2011, in relation to the topic of the social investment in the city of Medellin, specifically in the popular sectors; content that reflects ...
Expectativas sociales, económicas y de seguridad de dos excombatientes de las FARC-EP ante la interrupción del ETCR de Vidrí - Río Arquía
The Colombian peace process between the State and the FARC-EP promises to end a social and armed conflict of more than half a century between these two actors. To date, said process has achieved the disarmament and ...
Resignificación del uso de las nociones de razón, proporción y proporcionalidad con estudiantes del grado séptimo (12-17 años)
The research of this Master Thesis aims to strengthen the teaching and learning process in the seventh grade students (between 12 and 17 years old), by resignifying the use of the notions of Reason, Proportion and ...