Now showing items 1-10 of 17
La metacognición en los procesos de escritura a partir de imágenes
This investigation was realized by teachers of basic primary that they want to contribute with the improvement of the processes of textual production of his students, across the implementation of pedagogic new strategies, ...
El género musical pop como estrategia didáctica para mejorar la habilidad de escucha en inglés como lengua extranjera
Given the connection of music with language and the effectiveness of the use of songs for the development of Listening Skills, as well as the importance of Listening as a necessary communicative skill for performance in ...
Noción de número racional en grado tercero: construcción de objetos abstractos a partir de acciones concretas
Obando (2003) argues that there are many questions that arise in the teaching-learning processes of mathematics around the subject of fractions. In this paper we present a cognitive analysis that allows us to determine a ...
Razonamiento asociado a la proporcionalidad entre áreas en correspondencia con el modelo educativo de van Hiele en estudiantes de grado séptimo
This investigation it tries to identify the level of reasoning with regard to the proportional relations that they present the students in correspondence with the Educational Model of VAN HIELE on in students of the seventh ...
Las fracciones y sus usos desde la teoría modos de pensamiento
In this investigation we approach the understanding of the fraction concept in attention to its different uses as mathematical object. Due to the low results that have obtained for this topic in different national tests. ...
Hacia un aprendizaje significativo del sistema inmune : propuesta didáctica fundamentada en el aprendizaje basado en problemas
A frequent problem in the area of natural sciences in the I.E Antonio Derka, is the difficulty that students have in assimilating and retaining new information. This because they remember little of the concepts worked on ...