Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Relaciones de cuidado en el aula de clase, propuesta de gestión como una estrategia para el mejoramiento de la convivencia escolar, IE José Antonio Galán, La Estrella, Antioquia
This research is framed in a critical emancipatory vision, carried out under the qualitative research approach, with the Action-Research strategy. It was developed with students of third grade of primary school, of the ...
Las prácticas docentes y su incidencia en la convivencia escolar en la Institución Educativa Fe y Alegría Granizal
The purpose of this work is to analyze the teaching practices and their relationship with the school coexistence from the teacher's action to intervene in the situations that occur in the different institutional spaces. ...
Aspectos que influyen en las familias al momento de elegir una institución de educación preescolar o básica primaria privada : un estudio de caso en el Colegio de la UPB
The education is a fundamental activity in the life of every human being, the acquire knowledges and experiences in the education lets take decisions that impact them personally, professionally and socialy. This is when ...