Now showing items 1-10 of 36
"Describiendo estoy, comprendiendo voy" : una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de la competencia semántica desde la comprensión de lectura en secuencias textuales descriptivas multimodales
"The Semantic Competence, as a fundamental aspect in the development of communication skills, refers to the construction of meanings in the relationship between text and context. That is why such competence is configured ...
Apropiación y aplicación de estrategias para mejorar la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes del grado quinto de la Institución Educativa José Horacio Betancur
The main objective of this research was to improve fifth grade students' reading comprehension from the I.E. José Horacio Betancur based on reading learning strategies applied in argumentative texts. This objective was the ...
La pregunta como dispositivo para fortalecer la comprensión lectora y la apropiación de sentido : los vínculos entre lo cognitivo y lo psicosocial
"The following research is about the relevance of the question in an educational context to improve the levels of reading comprehension and the appropriation of meaning in the life experiences of the students. This study ...
Unidades virtuales de aprendizaje como mediadoras para el fortalecimiento de la comprensión lectora en el nivel inferencial
The purpose of this work is to describe and explain the effects of the Virtual Units of Learning (UVA) as mediators in reading comprehension at the inferential level, in fifth grade students at the Alfredo Cock Arango ...
Estrategias para mejorar la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de séptimo de la Institución Educativa Pedro Luis Villa
Reading comprehension in the literal, inferential and critical-intertextuality levels represents a problem for the students due to multiple factors, among them, the school which has not favored the development in each one ...
Sistematización de la experiencia -Resiliarte-: hacia el reconocimiento de una estrategia de promoción y animación a la lectura recreativa y la escritura creativa en espacios no convencionales
The present degree work was directed at the systematization of an experience developed within the framework of the project -Resiliarte- restoring lives through art- from a strategy called Biciteca- of promotion and animation ...
Fortalecimiento de la lectura inferencial a través del uso de textos multimodales en estudiantes de grado quinto (5 °) de educación básica primaria de la Institución Educativa Agroambiental Carlos Holguín Mallarino de Nóvita - Chocó
The present investigation shows the improvement of the inferential reading through multimodal texts in the fifth grade elementary school students of the Simón Bolívar, headquarters of the Carlos Holguín Mallarino ...
Comprendo lo que leo : Propuesta de intervención pedagógica para mejorar el nivel de lectura literal e inferencial en los estudiantes de 5° de la Escuela Normal Superior de Medellín
Improving levels of reading comprehension (literal and inferential) is the central purpose of the present pedagogical intervention proposal. The analysis of the results of the external census tests (SABER), reflected in ...